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They were at the center of the moonlight forest, it was a special place between Namjoon and Seokjin. Yoongi had reluctantly agreed for him and Jimin to help Seokjin organise a special surprise for the head of guard because his mate had something important to say today. Namjoon had been busy with training the pack members in the military hall but his instincts had never failed him, Seokjin's phone had been ringing every minute, his mate was feeling uneasy. Yoongi hadn't been answering his calls either. It was only a matter of time before Namjoon turned up here unannounced.

The opening in the woods appeared to closely resemble a garden from Luna falls now they were surrounded with lights, just like the date Yoongi took Jimin to. There was a picnic blanket set out for two couples with a basket of food and prosecco, juice for Seokjin.

"I'm so anxious Luna." Seokjin called from up the ladder. "Have you ever been so anxious to tell the Alpha something?"

There was a flash of shock across Jimin's face before his checks warmed and a weakened smile stretched across his lips. "Always, even if I already know what his response is I feel restless." The vampire reached out to hold Yoongi's hand, interlocking their fingers lovingly as he laid a gentle kiss on the werewolf's knuckle. "Because that's how important he is to me."

Seokjin chuckled nervously "A bond is something that can gather both strength and vulnerability." He stepped down from the ladder, all the balloons were tied nice on the branches. "Even as a pack we tend to share our burdens, the pack was lost when we all found out you had gone missing. It really affected us all. Especially the Alpha." He grinned as if reminiscent. "Yoongi was really hard to approach in high school. He later admitted he didn't want to have his heart waver because he was always waiting for someone. He only became friends with  Namjoon because he already had a mate... me. But even then he was wary of us."

"Don't bring up that." Yoongi warned.

"Please." Jimin's cheeks flushed. "I want to know about Yoongi during the time I wasn't here."

"As the Luna commands." Seokjin clapped his hands together excitedly as he continued to narrate about the time that was missed. "Sometimes Yoongi would look out into the distance a lot... and I know he's thinking of his mate. I thought it was crazy how much his mate could impact him without meeting yet. Then day you were abducted... I was scared as well because Yoongi never looked  dejected... he was always a strong leader. But for some reason... that  day... he looked like he was in checkmate. Perhaps a part of him thought you weren't coming back."

It was in that moment Namjoon had interrupted suddenly. "Seokjin! I've been looking for you everywhere. Did I really have to use the helicopter and the infrared cameras just to find you?"

The three raised their hands simultaneously. "Surprise?"

Seokjin chuckled as he wrapped his arms around his mate. "Ahh I wasn't ready... why are you here already? I wanted to surprise you. We didn't even set out the food yet."

Namjoon held Seokjin closely, nuzzling softly against his neck. "You disappeared and you scared me. Don't leave without saying anything and don't ignore my calls-"

"I think you're not the most important person anymore." Seokjin said. "I'm going to love someone else more."

"Excuse me?" Namjoon growled angrily. "Where are they? I just want to talk." From the sound of it, the head of the guards was intending to use a more violent approach.

"Here." Seokjin smiled as he placed Namjoons hands over his tummy. "We're pregnant." Seokjin's tears were falling suddenly down his cheek. Namjoon was instantly shocked, it was clear a wave of emotions were going through in his mind. His eyes were watering. He was happy as he lifted Seokjin, swinging him around.  "Baby... we're going to have a baby!" He shouted proudly.

It wasn't the right place to feel envy but Yoongi couldn't help the feeling that overwhelmed him. This was something he wanted so much it hurt that he was nowhere near achieving it. Namjoon and Seokjin always had it perfect. They fell in love and only fell harder each day. But between him and Jimin was a distance that only grew with time.

"Congratulations." Yoongi smiled. "I'm going to bring the Luna back to the mansion, it's best if you two celebrate alone."

Jimin agreed following Yoongi out of the forest. The sun had long set and the path to the car was dark. Suddenly the vampire spoke, breaking the tension that was suffocating them both. "If we stay like this. The way we are, replicating them, would you be happy?"

Yoongi didn't answer, because he knew Jimin already knew the answer to that. Instead he asked his own question. "Since we are both important to you. What if we were both dying, who would you save?"

Jimin didn't hesitate. "You."

"You're lying."

"Why ask if you're not going to believe what I'll say?" Jimin's voice was trembling. They were both people who felt suffocation when together and when apart.

"You're telling me if we both needed the Luna elixir, you'd give it to me, even if he dies?"

"Yes." Jimin answered. It was like the answer was obvious, Yoongi wanted to know what the catch was. Why did he answer the way he did. But he received his answer soon enough. "I'll save you. But only if I'll die with him."


Love Minty xx

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