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Hello again 😂

Still set about 1000 years ago


The years passed by slowly. It was clear as Jungkook dressed for the evening. Now that he was looking at the mirror, a young man with long black locks, dressed in a black tailor's coat was looking back at him. The human had visibly matured.

Jungkook was coming of age, his birthday was in a few weeks. Not that he knew when his real one was. But it was the day he met Jimin for the first time. Had it been a couple of years since then?

With so many chores, Jungkook found every free moment a gift. And even with that gift, he would use it to ensure that Jimin had always had what he need.

The human found the day he would take over as head butler to be much sooner than he expected because today it was Butler Samuel's funeral.

Jungkook took an umbrella from beside the entrance before he guided Jimin to the cemetery. Jimin's eyes were swollen from crying. The bright red that Jungkook liked had lost its glow that day. The ethereal creature was leaning on him as the other servants carried the casket. With Jimin on his left arm, Jungkook held the black umbrella over them. The mansion had been quiet for many days, everyone was prepared for this day. Death had long been looming over the mansion and it didn't leave until it had claimed its prey.

Jungkook began wondering as the casket was lowered into the ground. It was the painful cries that left Jimin's trembling lips. "Noooo!" He screamed. "No more please." He cried. And it hurt Jungkook even more to watch his Master's heart break in front of him. Samuel was a good friend. Like Jungkook he was taken in by Jimin at a young age.

The older held tightly onto the casket, he was desperately clinging onto some that had already left him. How many funerals had Jimin been to? How many deaths had he witnessed? And how many loved ones did he have to bid farewell to?

The new head butler dropped the umbrella he was holding onto and instead he pulled the vulnerable Jimin towards him. He allowed Jimin to let his tears flow, even if the pain wouldn't disappear. Jimin was trembling as he cried with pure fear into Jungkook's chest. "There was so much more I could do for him. Jungkook..." Jimin sobbed. "I...I-"

"He lived a happy life." Jungkook replied. "He was thankful for your help and your guidance. There is a beginning and an end. And you have been there for him whole heartedly. You cannot have regrets... he wouldn't be able to rest otherwise."

It was silent, and even then Jungkook understood Jimin more. Even more so himself. He didn't know when it started but he had begun to view Jimin differently. He wanted to protect Jimin, even more fearlessly as those before him. He wanted to be Jimin's anchor. Someone that could ground him in times of need. For every tear Jimin shed today, Jungkook wanted to find a new reason for him to lust for happiness. One that he could give him. Because ensuring Jimin's happiness would be repaying even a fraction of what he had done for him. 

"Just... let me... hold you." Jimin's voice trembled as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook.


Thank you for reading 💕💕💚💜💜,

Love Minty xx

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