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Heyo this is the chapter for this week ^_^


Jungkook saw how bright the moon was that very night. The sin of the past was already a thick mist over the village. The smoke rose over the forest and he could smell the sticky ash as if he were actually there at that moment. And within the soot was another foul scent. The scent of human flesh burning. But since this was before his time, he couldn't do anything. He was only able to watch the person he loves crumble due to a sin he didn't commit.

Jimin had tried to run after Yoongi, knowing he was at the epicentre of all the turmoil. His sights only gave him a hazy view. Suddenly amongst the running people and the burning village, he saw a figure he recognised.

Aera was stood before him, her hands trembling as she held out a dagger towards Jimin. She was a warrior of her own pack and since news of a wild beast had probably spread towards home, she was probably sent to investigate. "Is it you? Is it you who is doing all these killings?" The heat slowly penetrating Jimin's skin. Aera screamed as she dropped her knife. "It can't be..."

Jimin held her hands, only trying his best to reassure her. He finally let go, gesturing they need to find Yoongi.

She wiped her tears before she leaned down to pick up her weapon. "I'll go search the west side, you search the east." She ordered. "If something happens to Yoonie, I won't ever forgive you."

No. If something happened to the Alpha, Jungkook knew Jimin would never forgive himself.

Jungkook didn't know if it was a blessing when the sky began to pour down with rain. There was a large possibility that Yoongi had already made it to another village. Even the scent Jimin was following was increasingly weak in the air. The fires had died down, yet under all the debris, Yoongi wasn't in sight.

But by the time Jimin finally saw him, the sun was beginning to dawn. A field of white daisies had covered the field. The grass glistened from the moisture of the rain. Jimin's steps were slow as he approached the figure he called his love. Watching the body in Yoongi's arms fall and Aera's head rolling towards Jimin's feet. His body froze.

"My love." Despite the crime, Yoongi smiled brightly as he slowly wiped the blood off his dagger. "She wanted to take you away from me-" Yoongi murmured sweetly as he walked towards Jimin, gently holding his hand. The Alpha's eyes had changed. They were sullen. No light could shine through them. Jimin stumbled into Yoongi's arms, the voice within him couldn't say a word. But as tears pouring down his cheeks, he released a painful inaudible wail. His body shaking violently as tears streamed down his rosy cheeks. He failed to make it in time.

Jungkook could see the weight of his regrets form for the first time. Knowing Jimin only realised too late he should have been with her. The vampire knew the extent to which Jimin was willing to go to protect someone that was dear to him. He recalled the memory he had when he was human. How Jimin treasured him, never failing to show how much a mere mortal meant to him. The way Jimin loved unconditionally without the thought of putting himself first was both wondrous and scary. There were times Jungkook realised, he was unworthy, yet at the same time, he felt the only way to repay these feelings was to reciprocate them. And he would sacrifice himself over and over again if it meant saving Jimin from the pain of this moment.

"Jimin-" Yoongi pulled his lover tightly in an embrace. "Can't you see... you and I- we can finally be together without anyone getting in the way." He handed Jimin a withered white rose, its petals drenched in the blood of all his victims. "I vow to never love another." Yoongi smiled. As he placed a silver ring on Jimin's trembling fingers. "I vow to love you, in this life, in the next, in all forms and in all pretences."

Yoongi was able to say these words, because despite being driven into insanity, the only thing that was real, the only thing that no one could ever take away from him was the love born from the forbidden fruit. Jungkook saw Jimin's world crumbled mercilessly. Without warning, without introduction. He could see the pain soak up Jimin's fragile body. The words he still couldn't say, even as he fought to find his voice. Yet even if he did find the right words, could they even express the throbbing in his chest. It was in the painful expression he wore. Jungkook saw the realisation forming tragically in those crimson beautiful eyes. In the end, love was unattainable.

"I so-sorry." Jimin spoke softly. "I lo-lobe you." He said as he plunged the dagger from his lover's hand deeply into Yoongi's heart.

Jungkook saw Jimin's love, life and his world finally rip away from him.

Yoongi screamed painfully in Jimin's arms as the mourning sun rose as morning broke. The eyes Jimin had fallen for had returned briefly as soft hazel in that fleeting moment.

Yoongi gently caressed Jimin's cheek as his body grew limp in the Master's arms. His true self was unaware of his surroundings, unaware of his sin and the cause of this tragedy. The only thing known to him was... betrayal. The Yoongi who had no recollection of everything he did was confused. He didn't understand why Jimin had done what he did. All he could gather was the piercing agony felt when trust was broken. "I thought you loved me." Yoongi whispered. In a single moment, all his memories with Jimin flashed before him. The moment they met, where those beautiful crimson eyes trembled. He recalled holding Jimin's hand for the first time, their paradise near the lake where their worries were unable to find them under the safety of the willow tree. The first chaste kiss. The declaration of their love. And the final moment of their story on a field of daisies. A single tear cascaded down from Yoongi's cheek and then his hand fell limp as he took his last breath.

This was evidence of the fear which came when a person as pure as Jimin loved you. Because of this, Jimin had rather be hated by Yoongi than for Yoongi to hate himself. Jungkook learned unintentionally, Jimin was willing to give up every part of himself, even the remains of what it meant to be the person Yoongi loved, just because... he loved him. Yes, Jimin had loved him in more ways one could love another. With methods, no one could really understand. And in reasons that were only known to him. Jimin learnt from Yoongi, that the person you love should be freed from the weight that prevents them from happiness. And freeing Yoongi in this way was proof of everything he learned. Despite never wanting to be apart from him, Jimin had no choice. And even given a second chance, his action would never change. This was the breath and depth of his response to his first love.

Whether it was fate or destiny, Yoongi was Jimin's sin and Jungkook was his redemption.


How are we feeling ?

I wanted to write a love story based on the idea of the last line of this chapter. I hope I achieved it. Hehhe once again thank you for reading this 💕💕

See you all in the next chapter

Love Minty xx

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