Chapter 28

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Eight and a half months have passed since Jack was arrested. Eight and a half months since I discovered who my mother's killer was. Since my Foster dad and biological dad tried to kill me. Since my Foster mom and her daughter were murdered.

You see, we weren't able to find Jaycee's body until a month after she died. Jack didn't speak of where he hid her body. A few months ago, her decaying corpse was found in the park's pond by a few passing strangers. Jaycee was a jerk, but in the end she really changed. She helped Barry and I find her dad.

My scars faded a tiny bit, but they're still noticeable. I'm still half-blind. My hair is kept short, except the bangs, which cover the right side of my face; I only need the left side to see out of.

Changing the subject, I now work at Jitters with Iris after it was rebuilt. I wasn't planning on working there at all, what with Jack almost killing me there; I started getting panic attacks whenever I neared the place. Now I'm okay with it, since Jack's in prison.

Things between Barry and I are awesome! I couldn't ask for anything more! Although he's been acting strange and awkward around me for the past couple of weeks...very, extremely suspicious. Actually, almost everyone I know is acting the same way; Joe, Eddie, Iris, Caitlyn and Cisco. If Dr. Wells was in on it, he wasn't showing any signs.

Also, I improved rapidly on controlling my ability. I no longer use so much of my energy, so I can control larger bodies of water. I learned that my ability isn't just water; it's ice, too. Reminds me a lot like Elsa from Frozen. As my ability got easier to control, I also discovered water can heal me. Yep, I'm the real-life Percy Jackson. (Although to me, he's pretty real. Don't judge.)

I've actually been helping people for a few days now after training in secret with Caitlyn, Cisco, and Dr. Wells. (Don't tell Barry, he doesn't know). Actually, only the people at Star Labs know about this. They seriously made me a suit! It's so cool! Okay, now I sound like Cisco... My suit is similar to Barry's, but it's black with sea-blue accents on the sleeves and legs. My mask is black, concealing some of my scarred face. Instead of a lightning emblem, I have a trident emblem. And I have a metal staff that expands when I grab ahold of it.

"Megan? Helllooo? Earth to Megan?" A hand waved in front of my face.

"Hm?" I snap out of my thoughts to see Barry standing in front of me.

"I've been trying to get your attention for five minutes." Wow, that's a new record.

"Sorry. What did you need?"

"I was asking if you wanted to go for a wa-" his sentence was cut short when his phone went off. He sighs. "I gotta take this...Yeah Cisco? Where?" I listen closely, although I couldn't hear much. "Got it."

Barry stands up as he ends the call. "What happened?" I ask.

"Bank robbery on 1st street. I'll be back." He says before rushing out of the apartment.

My new phone's the next to start ringing. "Hello?"

"There was an explosion a few streets down from Star Labs. It isn't super big, so you probably didn't hear it." I hear Cisco say.

"Got it." I hang up the phone and suit up. You know how in the movies the superheroes already have their suits on and ready to go when trouble calls? Yeah, I'm not going to lie here, it's not at all accurate. Unless it's Barry, who's ready in his suit before you even blink. For me, it takes around ten to twenty seconds. And when you're a hero, there's always a time limit.
I'm on the scene in less than five minutes. I recently got a jet black motorcycle, so that was a lot better than running for half an hour to get here.

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