Chapter 62

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Megan's POV

The best part of sleep for people is forgetting reality. Forgetting what's happened for twelve hours and not having to worry about anything. At least, that's what sleep should be doing for everyone.

It's not working out well for me. I haven't gotten any sleep so far tonight. Every time I close my eyes and try to sleep, images flash through my mind. I have to keep myself from screaming because the memories are so disturbing.

I quietly slip out of bed and lie down on the couch, with my back feeling like it's on fire. I was careful not to wake Barry up. He's worried too much about me. I don't want him to worry even more because of my behavior.

I absentmindedly twist the ring around my finger as I stare at the ceiling. What am I supposed to do now? It's only 2:30 in the morning and I can't even sleep!

Sure, I have nightmares all the time. But these are different. They happened. They're real.

"Can't sleep?" Barry exits the bedroom and rubs his tired eyes, yawning in the process.

I shake my head and turn my body so I'm facing the couch. As much as my eyes beg to close, I force them to stay open. Wait, did I say 'eyes?' I meant eye...Geez this is hard to get used to.

Barry lies down next to me and rests his arm around my waist while avoiding my back. "Vision or nightmare?"


Barry sits up and peers at my face. "What do you mean?"

Instead of answering, I face him and hug him tightly. I don't know how to give him an answer. I'm not ready to.
Something touches the right side of my face, lightly tracing my burn. It's mostly healed, but it's still sensitive in certain areas.

"Megan..." a quiet voice whispers. "Why'd it have to be you?" He was talking to himself.

My eye opens and I look straight at Barry. His hand held my bangs back so he could see my burn. Apparently he brought me back to the bedroom when I fell asleep. I take a deep breath and avoid his gaze. It's too late now to move away from him; he's already got a full view of my face.

Mason presses the hot metal against my face. I could feel my flesh burning off and my right eye feels like it's on fire.

"I said the left side, you idiot!" Emma yells angrily at Mason. Then she smiles with pleasure when I scream in agony. She was trying her best not to laugh as I try to move out of Mason's way.

"Hey hey hey, calm down," Barry grabs my arm to bring me back to reality. "You're not there anymore. You're safe."

I snap out of my daze and realize my breathing has quickened and my heart is racing. My vision was blurry with tears. My gaze darts around the room and finally rests on a worried and concerned Barry.


"I'm fine," I mutter under my breath and leave the room. I end up in the kitchen and begin to open the refrigerator, but Barry's hand slams the door shut. "Dude! I need to eat!" I whine in annoyance. Seriously, I'm starving! What's his problem?

"You need to explain yourself right now," Barry leans against the refrigerator and blocks the door from me.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "I told you, I don't want to talk about it."

"You keep having nightmares and flashbacks. You also punched me in the ribs while you were sleeping. I think it's time for you to talk."

"Will you just leave the subject alone already?" My voice rises. "I don't want to talk about it!"

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