Chapter 1

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Being the only one that is able to stand William's personality, I was his best friend and his favorite cousin. Even so, I would have always been with him if I wasn't his best friend or his favorite cousin. Why? Because it's my duty to protect him. And, forever will I keep that promise if it risks my life.

My green eyes look up to the mansion before me, in disbelief of the sight in front of me, all I do is give out a stressed sigh. Easily guessing what has happened, I just continue to stare at the deserted Twinning Mansion. Now knowing we have went bankrupt, all I do is just walk towards it looking around at the emptiness. Good thing that we have no neighbors or else rumor about this will spread affecting our status. Entering inside, I drop my belongings right at the front entrance looking around. I wonder if my room is still stable and that everything is kept the same. Frowning a bit, I run my hand through my bangs looking around. Good thing I came back here this early. Tying my hair into a ponytail, I roll up my sleeves of the short dress I'm wearing. That's when I began cleaning the place. Tending the garden, cleaning the entire mansion while adding furniture from the old storage, making sure everything stays in order and so on. When I was done, I look at my accomplishment before taking out the hairband to swing my hair out of it's messiness. Smiling, I head back inside before I grab my bags again before jogging up the stairs. Remembering all the directions to the whole house parts, I reach my room getting me sigh more. Everything is gone. Groaning, I drop my luggage in the middle of the room before opening my closet. Stepping inside, I run my finger through the wall before hitting a uneven space. Grabbing a hold of it, I push it lightly getting it to open up a small gap. Pushing it fully to open it, I crotch down a bit as the door is quite small. Stepping inside, I stand up when I'm in the space getting me to search for the switch on the wall by getting me hand to scan it. When I finally find it, I turn it on getting a light to shine revealing what's inside the room. Smirking a bit, I find myself in my secret bedroom. It has everything like my room before but with more things. Taking off the old fashioned dress I'm wearing, I switch it into a plain white tank top with black shorts. Tying my blonde hair up into a ponytail, I sit on the comfortable bed which was all white and black. What's the difference with this room and my usual room is that it has the colors I like unlike those frilly pink furniture. Falling back onto my bed, I look up to the ceiling. I wonder how's William doing. He's at school I believe. And Kevin is a priest there if I remember. The one letter they sent me a month ago is not every encouraging in how they're doing. Disappointed at my cousin and his butler, I close my eyes relaxing in the soft mattress. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


Morning soon came getting me to groan forcing myself to open my eyes. When they were finally open, I give a sigh before pushing myself off the bed to sit up. Looking around, I just scan my room before falling back onto the bed yawning. Laying there wide open as my blanket wraps around my waist, I finally get up after a minute. Unwrapping myself from the blanket, I stand up brushing my hair back before stroll over to my baggage opening one of them up. Taking out a white collar shirt, I undress myself changing into it while adding a black skirt even though I'm not a fan of them. Throwing my pajamas on the bed, I also take out a black tie and a sleeveless  grey vest. Finish changing, I tie my hair into two long pig tails before heading out of my room. Since it was quite early in the morning, I decide to eat breakfast later. Taking a deep breath of the outside, my closed eyes open to get me looking up the blue sky. Before I could take a walk around the estate, the sound of horses grab my attention to face the front of the gates. There, a carriage stops right in front of the black framed gate as I start taking steps over there. A blonde hair boy with bright green eyes step down from the carriage as a man with dark purple-black hair and lavender eyes help him. Smirking a bit, I fasten my pace bit as they look at the mansion to only be in shock. In disbelief of what they were seeing, their shocked faces then turns towards me to only become more shocked than they are.

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