Chapter 10

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Thanks for the 1K~ I'm so happy. Thanks for reading everyone and I hope you'll continue to support this story! Also guess what~ WE'LL HAVE MORE THAN ONE LOVE SCENE! The next few chapters will have a small romance in it!

" Astra, are you going to participate in the competition?" William asks.
" Yes, why do you ask?" I reply looking back to my childhood friend.
" But you didn't do anything!" Dantalion shouts in disbelief.
" Weren't you relaxing the whole weekend?" Sytry adds.
I nod once and place the tea cup under y mouth," That's correct. But I made my booth on the last day of the break. I relax the whole break because the teachers gave it to is for that specific reason."
They keep quiet and Camio walks in the lounge room. I say on a one-person couch facing William and beside us were Sytry and Dantalion sitting together. A long coffee table is in the middle of William and I as the big couch faced the door the head-boy came through.
" It's been a while, head-boy." I state and he walks to us standing beside my couch.
" It has. I've been busy, that's all." he answers with an all-knowing smile that I see through while the others nod their heads. He hasn't fully been participating in the competition. The smell of him...he went to Hell. Ignoring the matter though, I continue to drink my jasmine honey green tea which I adore. The sweetness and the bitterness match the taste with each other as I happily, drink it. Ah, what a refreshing taste. But my happy land disappears as a hand snatches my cup away from me. Turning to the back ready to glare at the person who took my precious drink, I find Dexon sipping it.
" You still like this? I thought you got over it?" he asks as he looks at me with a raised eyebrow.
" Yes," I reply making the 's' longer as I snatch my drink back and place it underneath my lips once again" I still like this. I didn't get over it. Well, I thought I did but it seems like I didn't."
He shakes his head and sits on the arm of my couch," I can't believe you."
I stick my tongue at him but he ignores it, after a few minutes of our group talking, the bell finally rang to signal the start. The start of the competition. All the people you were friends with turn to enemies as you compete with them. So in answer, everyone stops acting friendly with each other. The boys glare at each other as I continue to take peaceful sips of my tea. Then, finally the stampede starts as everyone goes to their booth. Being the last one in the room, I complete my tea and finally start walking to my booth. There was no need to rush for this, because I know who is going to win this. Me.

Third Person POV-
William Twinning is an extreme realist with a brilliant mind, the problem with him though is this brilliant boy is completely different of how he acts in front of successful people. This boy is, arrogant, ambitious, determined, willful, self-centered, shall I continue? Let's not, I rather not be killed by his fans. So, let's start at starring our realist, William!
The blonde hair boy waits impatiently stomping his right feet continuously on the floor. One question fills his mind. Why isn't anyone coming to his booth? His eyes were closed, and when he opens them, the empty area surrounding his booth stays. Looking to the others, he finds them having many customers. Just when he was about to explode, a familiar voice stops him.
" No customers?"
William turns to look at his cousin standing near his booth as she walks towards it. Her black hair followed her like a tail as her blue eyes shimmer under the sun. My cousin who he loves deeply. Wishing she wasn't someone related to him, he's always wished that ever since they met. But since they are, he'll have to push his desire for her away. Why he likes her is still a mystery, to him especially. She never thought of him as a cousin, but a friend, and that must have changed him.
" Be quiet. They just want to see what the low-life's have first." He replies crossing his arms.
She giggles, the giggle which always leaves him on the cliff. And may make him fall off as he haven't seen her for so long. Since she never contacted him or come to visit. He was angry, he wanted to see the girl that saved him with Uncle.
" Hey. That's harsh." She pouts.
This make his heart skip a beat once more. He needs her. Not just want her. But need her. Then suddenly, the memory of Dantalion being so close with her a few months back enters his mind. Anger fills him and Astra notices, in response to his anger, she pats his head.
" You ok, Willy?" She asks me and happiness fills William. The nickname she always called him when he was little. This is what she does whenever she sees the blonde boy in a struggle. Pat his head and asking if he's ok. His hands turn into a fist and he moves out of her reach.
" I'm perfectly fine. I'm not a kid anymore so stop this." He says showing his strong side which will crumble soon. And he hates what he did, thanks to his pride to keep his image, he shoved Astra away. Looking back to her, she seems unharmed by the comment. Instead she smiles.
" I know that. But I miss our time together, that's why I can't stop myself from doing the things from before." She answers sincerely.
He sighs as he gives into her. Like he always did whenever they were small, in response to her patting he would always kiss her on the head. And he does. His lips touches her smooth forehead as he supports her head with one of his hands. When he separated from her now realizing what he has done, he looks at and shock Astra. Her shock then turns to a smile once again.
" I thought you forgot about it. And if you didn't, I thought you didn't want to do it since we're know. Older." She says scratching her head.
William stares at her and also smile,"Well, I changed my mind."
The two of them start to get into another conversation as jealous eyes watch them. These jealous eyes belong to three specific demons. But they're not the only ones that watch the two cousins chat with each other. As some other people were also pulled to the radiation the black hair girl shone.

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