Chapter 8

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Allowing my yawn to escape from my mouth, I don't even use the will to get my hand to cover it. And no one reacts to that. They've all become used to my original appearance here at this school. And you don't know how happy I am about that. A few boys would bow and greet me getting me to ditch my bored look and smile back with a cheerful greeting. Then there's the ones who would just look at me and give me a quick nod before running off. Boys are just mysterious. And they say girls are. Ha!

Pushing the twin doors open, I enter a huge room full of chattering students as they eat their breakfast. Despite not being that delicious, the students still eat the food since it's decent. Scanning the crowd, my eyes stop exactly on the familiar blonde hair boy. Walking over there, I just give a smile back to the boys who greet me before stopping at the chair beside William's. Sliding it out so I can sit in it, William looks towards me.

"Good morning, Astra." He greets along with Sytry and Dantalion.

"Did you get a good sleep?" Dantalion asks happy I saved him from eating more of the cafeteria's food.

"Yup." I reply smirking a centimeter only getting confused looks from the boys.

Taking a piece of bread from the baskets on each table, I lean back on my chair as I balance on it's two hind legs. Having a bite from the bread, I begin to look around trying to find the familiar boy I've known for a few years. Shrugging as I still can't find him, I take my second bite of the bread finishing it as William gives me a bewildered look.

"How to finish such a big piece of bread in two bites?" he asks narrowing his eyes at me with confusion.

I shrug back not even knowing about my mysterious self,"I don't know? Maybe because people eat small bites getting them to think I'm taking big bites?"

He gives me a look of disbelief shaking his head as his attention turns back to his food while the two demons just chuckle at my comeback. As they all continue eating, I just take another piece of bread as I continue around. Minutes pass and I've already eaten 5 pieces of bread and 2 apples. Stuffing another apple into my mouth as my friends stare at me with disbelief of how much I eat, my search finally gets awarded as I have finally found who I was looking for.

Yawning, I walk down the hallway full of boys. Good morning once again to my life. As I enter the dining room, my eyes scan for my cousin. At the corner of the room, he's sitting in the huge table with Dantalion and Sytry. Scanning again, I try to find Issac and Camio. But they are no where to be found. Shrugging, I walk to their table at the corner.

" Good morning, Astra." William says.
" Hey." I reply.
" Have a good night?" Dantalion asks.
" Ya." I smirk.
The two boys confusingly look at me, but ignore it and continue eating. I sit across William and take a piece of bread from the basket. Grabbing a bite of the bread, I look around for him. Where is he? Shrugging, I take the second bite of the bread, finishing it.
" How do you even finish the bread by two bites?" William asks with his eyes narrowing.
I shrug," People just eat small bites making them eat slow. That's all."
William looks at me with disbelief while Dantalion chuckles. They continue to eat their food while I keep grabbing bread or fruits in the baskets and eat them. Finally, my search is awarded. I see a boy with black grey hair walking in as his yellow eyes search for something. They stop as it lands on me making me smirk and waving to him. Never taking his eyes off from me, he starts walking towards me until he takes the chair beside me.
" Well, hello, Mister. Are you lost?" I ask.
He flicks my forehead making me rub it," If that's how you greet people in the morning, I shall tell Oia to teach you more about manners."
" Hey! You're the one that just flicked a girl's forehead and you call that 'manners'? Dex?"
" Haha. Sorry." He apologizes.
" Astra, who is he?" William asks.
" This here," I gesture to Dex," is Dexon Oliveria. The sixth son of the Oliveria Family that owns the detective section in Europe."
" It's a pleasure to finally meet you, William Twinning. I have heard a lot about you from Astra. My name is Dexon Oliveria, you may call me Dex for short. " Dexon bows his head.
" So he's the tracker you've been talking about?" Dantalion asks.
I nod and Dexon interrupts," So he's the demon that you told me about, Dantalion, right? From Solomon's pillars?"
I nod once more.
" Astra, have you been talking about us?" Sytry asks.
" Ya, sorry. I have to report everything..." I apologize clapping my hands together as I squeeze my eyes shut.
" It's not Astra's fault we have to do that. It's a rule we made up so we can't hide anything from each other." Dexon explains then turns to Sytry," You must be Sytry, also a demon pillar, am I correct?"
Sytry hesitates glaring at Dexon before nodding," Yes."
Well this introduction is awkward....

" So what do you think?" I ask as I look at Dexon at the corner if my eyes. My left palm is holding my chin as my legs cross each other as my other hand is on top my my stomach as I sit on the single coach.
" They're not that bad. It seems like get wot cause any problems so that's good." my friend answers me as he looks out the window staring at Dantalion who is out in the fields," But, I'm kind of sad that you lied about the schedule here. 8:00am-8:00pm for school then 9:00pm-7:00am. There's only one hour in each for a break. How did you get sleep?"
I smirk as I fully turn my head to him," That's a secret." Placing my index finger at y lips. He fills his eyes.
" Anyways, you still have time to sleep during the breaks the schools give you in school time though." I say," I'm worried if you'll be ok."
" I'll be perfectly fine. Unlike you, I have a good time management in things." He replied smirking back to me.
I make a small pout," Well, I'm sorry I'm such an idiot to you."
His face expression changes to a cold frown," You know that you're smarter than all of us in the meeting. You just act stupid."
" Hey! Harsh!" I act placing my right hand over my heart.
He chuckles and turns back out to the window as I do the same going back to my regular position.
" There's three more people I have to meet, correct?" He asks.
I nod," Yup, Camio, another demon. Issac, a boy that loves demons and angels and all that stuff, and Kevin, an angel."
Dexon sighs, rubbing his temple," When do you think I'll be able to meet them?"
" You probably will be able to meet Issac today during class time, Kevin on Saturdays and Camio just suddenly appears at random times." I reply," Oh! I also forgot, I need your help in this situation we have."
" What is it?" He asks.
" A demon possessed a student recently, the demons still haven't find out who the culprit is. Can you look into it, please?" I explain.
He nods," Ya, this task is easier than the other one you gave me before."
" I'm sorry about that. Didn't I apologize?" I ask turning my head to him once again to see a chuckle come out of him.
" Yes, you did. But I just wanted to hear you say it again." He replies as he peels himself off the couch and window to the door," I'll see you later."
" Bye~" I wave off to him as he exits the lounge room.
I look back outside to see Dantalion cheerfully (boastingly) talk to an annoyed William. This scene, made me giggle as Sytry and Issac also tagged along making Dantalion and William mad. Then, William looks to my direction and I am shock as he smiles at me and waves. I smile back as I wave back. The others notice what William was doing and turns to me waving. I laugh softly waving back once again. It seems like William have friends that'll take care of him.

Just a heads up, a new love scene will happen in Chapter 10. I'm making beginning of love scenes every 5 chapters. There might be a hint of love scenes in other chapters but many in the 5s.

Makai Ouji: Devils and Realists (Reverse Harem)Where stories live. Discover now