Chapter 9

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A month has passed by since Dexon arrived. The case about a demon possessing a student at this school was solved. It seemed like a lost low level demon was walking near the school's perimeter and a student just walked by him. So he possessed the boy and went into the school. But suddenly he got attacked by something and then the scene happened. So that's ends our little stupid case. Later on, Dexon met everyone else and Issac got attached to him like he did with me. But more intense. Issac would follow him EVERYWHERE. The most creepiest part was that he tried to follow him into the showers and Dexon lost it. Let's not talk about that. I rather not be reminded of it because I was in the middle of it. Anyways... Dexon is finally happy he can take a break because today is the day we have a break for the whole week! Well, not really a break because after this it's time for competition. Every student compete with each other to get tokens. Whoever gets the most will be able to get study books for the upcoming tests. So now everyone is thinking very hard on what to do. Dexon said he'll group with a group of students to do it. Some students made groups while others did it individually. For me, I don't really care. Sitting on the couch on the lounge area is one of the relaxing thing that I love. Drinking my tea, I look out tithe window to see students already preparing for their booths. Today's the last day of the break. Unlike everyone else, I actually used my break to relax. William was in his room the whole weekend. Dantalion has been playing more sports. Sytry has been buying more dresses. Camio is no where in sight. Issac has been chanting spells in his room. Dexon helped his group. Kevin has been betting and gambling more. Shaking my head in disappointment, I stand up from the comfy couch and walk out of the room. Outside, the bright blue sky blew a small gust of wind. Inhaling the fresh nature, I start looking around the field finding the right spot. Walking to the spot, I look around to see if anyone was watching but everyone was too into their own things. Taking out three sheets of paper with a design on them.
I speak," Aaroon, Valeria, Huez. I summon you three."
The papers shoot out a small light that lands in front of me and three boys appear.
" You have called?" They all say in sync.
" I need help in a small thing." I answer as they all stand up.
" The great Astra needs our help in a small thing?" A boy with light purple with brown eyes. His eyes were slanted down with a small knife scar on his left eyebrow. A small frown was on his face. Pins were on his left side of his hair holding the bangs as the right let's his hair out. He wore a white collar shirt with a red tie under a brown vest. A small gold chain crossed across the vest on the chest. Black pants and black shoes were also included in his outfit.
" Be quiet, Aaroon." I pout making him smirk.
" How may we help you then, Lady Astra?" A boy with black blue hair and green eyes ask. Like Aaroon, he wore the same outfit as him. The boy had a cold calm expression.
" I'll explain it later Huez," I shove them three bags of clothing," just change into these first."
They all nod and in a flash they were all in the same uniforms as me.
" Astra, why do we have to wear these?" The boy with yellow bright hair and confused turquoise eyes ask. His innocent face with his wavy curly hair tilt to the side.
" I need you guys to help me make a booth, Valeria. There's a festival competition soon. And I'm going to be doing a cafe." When i said the last word, they all perk up and look at me with shining eyes. I giggle," Yes, I know. I'll make you guys some too if you make the booth for it."
They look satisfy as they nod and disappeared away. In a matter of minutes, they all come back with different supplies and start building. Huez hands me a sketchbook and a pencil and I start drawing the design telling them what to do. After hey know how it will look like, I start planning my menu. Smiling at my piece of art, I look up to see them finish in the touches if the cafe. Outside the light brown cafe, two sets of tables were there sitting in front of a column of flowers in a small booth. The right side at the front view of the store, a white rimmed door was there. Windows were around the store walls with a brown roof on top. Entering inside, the light made the room look warm with the brown wood. Red chair booths were at the walls except at the large corner on the right which had a window booth to display. Behind the counter, was the kitchen. Tables filled the left over middle areas with chairs and I smile at their completion.
" Good?" Aaroon asks behind me.
" Ya. Thanks." I reply as I look towards him.
" I'll go get the ingredients. Also, I believe that you'll be needing waiters, right? We'll volunteer." He crosses his arms smirking.
" Hai hai. That's correct. Thanks." I wave my arm over my shoulder. Chuckling, he leaves the store leaving me inside. The winner of the competition will be me.

Sorry this is so short...ill update as soon as possible!

Makai Ouji: Devils and Realists (Reverse Harem)Where stories live. Discover now