Chapter 4

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Picture of cabin>>

After waking William up, we exited the room before heading down the deserted hallway. Dantalion leads us to different turns as we follow him. Stopping in front of two grand doors, he pushes them open to reveal a huge dining room. Despite it being dark, it was beautiful. A glistening chandelier on top while the whole place was painted creme brown. What's uncomfortable is the demons surround the area in the centre. In the middle of the room was a circle table with a white clothe covering it. Nine chairs spread around it as six of them were occupied. Shiny metal utensils sit on the table in front of each chairs only leaving the three of us who to take the three last empty seats. Sitting between William and Dantalion, the duchess and all the dukes sit beside their candidates.

"It's a pleasure to have you join us, Elector." Baalberith smirks.

William frowns as I secretly glare at Baalberith only getting him to flinch and look for the source of the deadly glare. But before he could look or guess it was me, I turn back to face forward.

Just then, the doors swing open as a line of black suited demons enter. At the edge of my eye I see William shudder as I just leave myself emotionless. A silver plate dish was placed in front of me as it then reveals itself. A beautiful steak gleaming juicy steak appears only getting me to keep quiet. Taking up the utensils like the others, I cut a small piece of the steak before placing it in my mouth. A burst of flavours enter my mouth satisfying me. But what makes me smirk is that one flavour I know very well of. Continuing to eat quietly as the others do the same, I dam my mouth from dirtiness before placing down the napkin.

"Bring us back to the dorm." William instantly orders with no hesitation.

"Of course. But first, I am quite curious about this girl. And I believe I'm not the only one. She explains our status and a few other things while I should also add she survived the poison we just had her eat." Astaroth starts looking at me while linking her fingers.

"What?!" William shouts standing up,"You poisoned her?!"

"William, calm down." I order knowing he will calm down just hearing me say those rare words with this voice,"And the answers to your question is quite simple. It's just that I know. Nothing too complicating. And about the poison. I knew it was in there the first bite I had. You really think a high-ranked family like ours never got poisoned before? Well, William never did experience it but I have. A million of times."

"When did all this happen?" William asks confused.

I shrug,"In my childhood before I met you. And during my trip."

He stares at me too tired to even let out a sigh before turning to others,"Bring us back. Now."

"Of course." Samael nods.

"Dantalion. Bring them back." Astaroth commands looking over to the demon beside me.

"Yes." Dantalion simply replies before having two humans following him out of the pit of Hell.

Exiting the dining room, he creates a spell circle before stepping in with us following. Before we knew it, we were back in the dorms. The hallway was clear as we were all back in our original school outfit.

"I'm going to sleep. Good night." I start heading off to my room without looking back at them.

When I arrive at my room, I shut my door before falling onto my bed. My eyes tighten together as I try my best to calm my headache any way.  It's been a while since I've had a headache like this. This is the first time I had one here. Sucking in my breathe as my hands wrap around my head.

"This is why I hate anything to do with them."


As usual, classes bored me to death as I almost went to sleep in all of them. It was lecture after another lecture. But the good thing was that none of the teachers bothered me. The lot thing that bothered me was that my three demon friends were no where to be found. And what's worse is that William collapsed only leaving me to worry more. Easily, I convinced the teacher to move William test after a very very intense battle of me ranting on about...stuff. After William came back, we went to the cafeteria to eat. Only for me to see his tired self.

"You okay?" I ask still worried sick.

"Yeah. I'm fine." He replies stuffing one of the disgusting chicken in his mouth.

Taking in his answer despite knowing its false, I try to change the subject,"Where do you think they are?"

Knowing who I'm talking about, he just shrugs still frowning as he shows a fake face of not caring,"I don't know. They'll appear sooner or later."

Sighing as he continue to eat, I just rest my head on my hand before looking away.

--Unknown POV--

The woods were once again dead silent as I walk to the middle of the forest. My robes floats over the gravel floor as I hide myself behind it. Stopping in the middle of a clear area, I take a look around for any witness.

"Appear, my book of lies." I command holding my hand out to get black lights to swirl around it once again before a old brown book appears.

The pages were still old with a red bookmark peeking out as the book suddenly opens it up to that page. This whole book was full of weird scrambles and ancient writing. The demon language. This time, I chant the scripture placed in front of me with no disturbance. That's when a cabin then appears. A small mist surrounds the area as the cabin lights glow. Walking to the door, I reach for the handle.

"What are you doing?"

My hand stops mid-air from the knob. Turning my head over to the voice, my eyes widen. There, a boy with raven black hair and red eyes stand. Panicking, I turn away ready to run the other direction. But two more boys block my way. One with pale blue hair and the other one with pale green hair. Taking steps back, I bite the bottom of my lip as I'm in trouble. Hiding myself even more behind the cloak, I find Dantalion touching it with wide eyes.

"How is this possible. There's both demonic and angelic powers mixed together here." He gasps before narrowing his eyes at me,"Who are you?"

Not wanting to reply, I jump up far away from all of them before buying my thumb to make it bleed. That's when I snap my fingers.

"Close." I say creating the cabin to disappear leaving a smoke of fog around the area.

--Astra's POV--

" William." Dantalion calls catching up to us as he stands beside William.

"What?" William asks annoyed but then a hint of worry appears in his voice,"Also, where were you yesterday?"

"Sorry. We've been busy. But yesterday confirmed our suspicions. There's a force going against us. Yesterday, a clocked person made a cabin appear. But what's more is that it is filled with demon and angel magic. We've never have this happens before. It's just...impossible." Dantalion explains frowning while thinking about it.

"How does that work?" I ask confused.

"That's what we're figuring out." Dantalion sighs.

"So what are you going to do?"

"We're going back tonight to check it out. I'll inform you guys if there's anything new." He reports before running off.

William being back to his usual self, he just walks off with me following. Heading to class, William sits in his assigned seat as I do the same at the back. Looking out of the window to the woods, I just watch it with eyes of mischief and secrets.

Makai Ouji: Devils and Realists (Reverse Harem)Where stories live. Discover now