Chapter 3

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Picture of Astra's dress>>

Yawning quietly to myself, I drop my cheek onto my palm as it balances on the desk. Sitting in a quiet class while listening to the teacher's lecture is definitely not on my fun list. Especially if I have to write notes. Sighing while watching the others do this boring routine while I'm sitting boringly at the back of the class beside the clear window which the only thing that can entertain me for now, I turn my attention to the outside to find a class jogging outside for gym.

"Miss Twinning!" The teacher shouts getting everyone's attention to look at me.

Breaking my vision to look back inside, I see William giving me a 'pay attention' look. Sorry. Sorry. It's just listening to a teacher who thinks that they know everything is very very boring.

"If you have time to dandle around, solve this problem." He points his stick onto the blackboard filled with numbers and symbols , his other hand holds out a chalk towards me.

Rolling my eyes for only me to notice, I answer in a split second,"It's 6x."

He frowns. Looking over to his book, he checks for the answer before swallowing down his salvia.

Clearing his throat even though it didn't help,"Tha...that's co...correct."

As the students look at me with astonishment, I find William mouthing 'How did you know that?' In response, I shrug. As the class continues, the teacher never even bothered with me anymore as I just stare out the window for the rest of the class. The bell rings signalling the end of class getting me to stand up and take my books. Pushing my chair with my leg, I jog over to William as he waits for me at the door.

"How did you know that so quickly? Or how did you solve it so quickly?" He asks as we start walking down the hallway.

I shrug,"I just know. Probably because of them."

"Them?" He asks frowning.

"Friends I met during my trip." I answer brushing my bangs to go behind my ear.

"I'm still surprised at all your accomplishments. First, you even get invited to here by the chairman himself. Second, you become a prefect on the first day. Third, you got Dantalion, Sytry, and Camio these bracelets that'll allow them to go to church. And now you suddenly solve a complicating question. You are full of surprises." He chuckles.

"When was I never?" I give out a small smirk.

"True. When we were small, you'd always do these weird stunts to cheer me up. But instead you just made me worried more about you."

"Hey! Those stunts worked. You even laughed!""

"Riding a unicycle while juggling on top of the roof? Climbing the highest tree in our yard before jumping off with a thin rope to save you? Balancing on a ball while juggling bottle with fire?"

"Okay. Okay. Maybe those weren't my best ideas. But there were some that were good."

"Pretending you accidentally tripped to show one of the high-class man that he was bald? Stepping on the wife's dress to show how fake it was? Stuffing as many creme puffs as you can in your mouth?"

Makai Ouji: Devils and Realists (Reverse Harem)Where stories live. Discover now