Chapter 5

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My eyes stare deadly on the two familiar boys that I know very well. Only a centimetre was between both their faces as their eyes stare at each other. As Dantalion moves closer to William's face, that's when I dash for it. Turning away from the scene as I allow my legs to bring me anywhere as long as it's away from them, only one thought stays in my mind.

What the fudge happened?


"Damn you, William! How dare you leave me at the office to help the Professor! Argh! He's going to pay!" I mumble stomping through the hallway as the students great a pathway for me not wanting to get near my angry state.

"Astra." A familiar calm voice calls getting me to turn my head back.

There, the pale blue hair boy walks over to me munching on biscuits like always.

"What's up, Sytry?" I ask halting from my angry rant.

"Where's William? I thought both of you were suppose to be helping the Professor." He asks getting me to frown from remembering what my cousin did to me.

"He ditched me." I bluntly reply.

"I hope the others tell him then." He states looking over to the window.

"What happened?" I ask confused.

"The cloaked person didn't come last night." He reports getting me to frown.

"So what are we going to do? We have to find him. He can danger the school and especially William." I explain.

"We have to find another way to catch him. We'll check if he comes again tonight." Sytry plans getting a nod from me.

"If you need anything, you can ask me." I offer getting a nod back.

"Thanks. I'll see you later." He waves off still eating his cookies as I also walk off.

Heading down the hall, I frown thinking about our situation. Sighing from the frustration, I ruffle my hair clicking my tongue. Before I could continue to walk to my next class, a familiar voice interrupts me.

"William! You've got to listen to me. That cousin of yours is dangerous!" I hear Dantalion's voice getting me to hide behind a corner peeking out.

There, Dantalion and William stand alone in the hallway as they both glare at each other. Dantalion cornered William to the wall with his arms wanting me to interrupt and push him away. What? It's my duty to protect William.

"Astra is not dangerous! What is wrong with you?" William shouts back angrily.

"Then explain this to me! How did she know all about you being Solomon without telling you? How did she get those magical bracelets? How did she rant so much knowledge about the Four Dukes of Hell? Explain this to me, William!" Dantalion shouts back.

William doesn't reply back thinking about all those questions.

"William, you have to get away from her. She's dangerous." Dantalion begins coming closer to William's face,"I..I.."


And that's what happened. My legs continue to run as I head over to my dorm. I've never thought that Dantalion had feelings for William. And now it's time to see if William also feels the same. But right now. I don't think I can handle that. Closing the door behind me, I rush over to my desk opening one of the drawers. Sliding my finger on the side, I lift up the bottom of the shelf to reveal another one in it. There, stacks of old looking paper pile inside as I grab one with a container of ink. Dipping my brush inside the ink, I then begin to write a message. Finishing my scribbling, I take out a pocket knife before cutting my thumb. My blood reveals itself from it as I begin to write a small signature on the paper with this red liquid. Licking off the leftover blood which is still leaking, I fold the paper before scrunching it all in one hand. Blowing inside my hand, I feel the spikes of the paper disappear before I release the dust floating out of my palm. As the dust dances, it then turns into a green fire which sparks for one second before it all disappears.

Makai Ouji: Devils and Realists (Reverse Harem)Where stories live. Discover now