Chapter 11

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Dantalion Huber is a demon known for his arrogance. Even though he succeeds in sports and he may be a confident demon, he acts the most childish, immature, and troublesome. Now let's begin with the sometimes composed Dantalion!

The raven black hair demon watches his booth get crowded with his followers. To be specific, his teammates that admire his way in succeeding sports. 'Heh, William will be so proud of him' was the only thing in this man's head. When he does look over to William to show his booth, he gets awarded by watching the Elector kissing a girl on the forehead. Not just any girl. This specific girl he's drawn to. He swears he saw her somewhere, or how she's like someone she knows very very well. Watching them talk with each other. He only watches her. The girl with silky long black hair that was darker than his. Her eyes were different from his, they were blue. Sky blue but also close to be mistaken as white. She laughs making him continue to watch intensely until he was interrupted by his followers. Being forced to take off his eyes off her, he frowns but still listens to the boys. After continuous talking, he sighs crossing his arms over his chest at his tiredness.

" You ok? You seem tired." The sweet voice he always wants to hear asks.

He turns his head with speed to the girl who was giving a smile. A blush wants to rise up but he doesn't let it as he doesn't want to get William mad at trying to hit at his cousin again.

" Ya, aren't you suppose to start your booth?" He asks making her nod.

" Yup! But I'm going to start tomorrow since I want to see everyone's booth first. It seems like yours is doing well, unlike William's." She states.

" Heh. William will sooner or later come to me and ask for my help." Dantalion smirks.

" That's correct!" She agrees," But it'll be different way of asking for your help than you think he is going to do."

" What do you mean?"

Astra shrugs sticking a bit of her tongue making the demon skip his heart beats. He wanted to take her in his arms. Embrace her. Tell her how much he loves her. To be trueful, it was love in first sight. Once when he got out of the carriage, an angel appeared in front of him. Even though he despises angels, this one was not one but look like one. Who knew that she was connected with the magical world? Everything she did always surprised him.

" So, do you like my booth? Wanna give some tokens to me?" He asks.

" A booth to see you pose? Hmm. Sorry Dantalion but no thanks." She replies getting Dantalion to pout.

" Well, I've gotta go, see you later! I wanna check out the other booths!" She waves to him 'bye' as she runs off.

He wants to reach for her, for her to come back. To be near him. But as he reach for her, she doesn't notice and keeps running off. Will he ever get her?

Sytry Cartwright is a male with strikingly feminine features. Quite taken to sweets ever since he entered the human world, his first impression were being selfish, arrogant, and cruel. But he is actually a very fun-loving demon who enjoys the attention of others and is somewhat confident of his feminine features, despite being a male. Enter, Sytry Cartwright!

The pretty boy demon stares jealously at the two boys. One was at the Elector as the other one was to the idiot demon. Instantly, he got jealous of William when he kissed Astra on the head. A pained feeling shocked through him back then. And another one enters as he watches Dantalion and the girl talk. The girl was the definition of beauty to him. He fell in love with her instantly. To be trueful, Sytry can always ask his butler to cook him biscuits. But Astra's biscuits were unique and very delicious which made him fall head over heels for her again. Sytry sighs as the students take pictures of him in dresses. He wished that Astra could wear them so he could take pictures of them and keep them in a safe box.

" Your booth is doing so great but you had to ruin it with your gloomy face. Don't ya, Sytry?"

The pretty boy instantly turns to the girl. His eyes open as she has finally come to him. Finally. All this time, he's been waiting for her I go to him. Have her all to himself for even one minute. The raven hair girl looks at him with shining blue eyes. Sytry stares at her making her confused.

" Sytry?" Astra asks.

Just by saying his name, Sytry skips a beat. But he still gets pulled back into his senses.

" Ah! Sorry, Astra." Sytry apologizes.

" It's fine. It's just that you seem gloomy right now. Is something wrong?" Astra asks tilting her head to the side.

Fighting the urge not to hug her, Sytry smiles back.

" No, it's nothing. It's just that I wonder how you'll look like in one of these dresses." Sytry states making Astra blush a bit.

Seeing her blush, it gave a bit of entertainment to Sytry. He would have never thought that Astra can blush in embarrassment before. She always seemed so calm and natural. Now, he finally learns a different side of her. Astra's eyes scan his dress. He wore a light blue cupcake dress with white embodiment. Beautiful light blue gems hung down from the collar.

" I look horrible in dresses, sorry to tell you that." She replies rubbing her back of the neck.

But this doesn't stop Sytry from doing what he wishes as he takes her wrist. A smile was on his face as Astra stares at him hoping that he won't do what she's thinking he'll do. But it was too late, Sytry pulls her to the dressing room. Shoving a light blue dress like his but much more cuter, he pushes her into the dressing room.

Just when Astra was about to protest, Sytry interrupts her," Astra, I really want to see you in a dress. Please?"

Hesitantly, a few seconds past of silence before Astra sighs. This meant she'll do it and Sytry smiles. Finally, he can get his wish to one true. After a few minutes, the curtain slides open showing Astra. She wore a light blue dress up to her calves. The dress was a bit puffy as it showed her shoulders. Her hair was tied to the side as she also wore light blue boots. Sytry's face brightens watching her slowly with embarrassment come out of the dressing room.

" Happy, now?" Astra asks a bit annoyed but still embarrassed.

Sytry nods frantically as he continues to watch Astra. His love for her will never end. And he knows that since he already fell for her another time. As time goes by, he'll continue to fall for her.

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