Chapter 4

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"W-what..?" Wilbur asked, clearly not expecting Phil to say that "what do you mean by that- surely he isn't-"

That's then Philza sighed and nodded.

"I'm afraid so. I knew this would happen one day, after all those years his anger would only grow. It was bound to happen. George, do you have the intel on you?"

George nodded as he swiftly passed the USB stick. He himself was surprised by what Phil had just said. Rule over? Like everything everything? But why-? Sure, they had competition between the mafias but it was the survival of the fittest. Everyone knew that, but ruling over everything... that's way too far. Was it even possible. Sounded pretty childish and greedy to want everything. But then again, it was Schlatt. By 'ruling everyone' it probably meant to get rid of all competition and watch with a smug face as your rivals die the most gruesome death.

Phil thanked George as he walked over to his laptop, putting in the USB, the big screen behind him lighting up with files, one after another flooding the screen.

The files from the USB.

There were multiple, all having different names but most had the word 'Manberg Rise' in it.

"Captain puffy told me a few days ago that one of her clients knew something about Schlatt having a huge plan that could effect how things are done around here. I figured it would be worth checking it out, especially with the past that me and him hold."

So he got the information from Puffy, she never lied. She didn't have a huge group, mainly relying on herself and delivering goods to others. It always surprised George how much Phil trusted these people from other mafias but it was probably because he was close with them. Something George wouldn't understand fully unless he was in that situation himself.

"So why would this relate to us...?" Karl asked, breaking the silence and Philza scanned his laptop monitor.

"He has some unfinished business with Phil."

A deeper voice said as everyone turned around, and there stood a tall figure, heavy weapons on his back, a long pink plat that rested on his shoulder. He was muscular which definitely made him look like the person you wouldn't want to mess with. He was wearing heavy protectors, well, at least they looked heavy to George but he knew that for Techno it was nothing. Armour like that was nothing for a skilled hitman.

"Techno" Philza said with a warm smile "welcome back."

Techno took off the pig mask he had on, shaking his head slightly as he did so, his scars now becoming visible. It showed how hard he worked, doing so much tasks and getting injured along the way but still going. It was somewhat admirable but it did sometimes have a disadvantage. It did make his catch phrase 'Technoblade never dies' more realistic though.

This was philza's second son, Wilbur's brother.

"I see the plan went smoothly. So what's happening?" He asked as he walked over to the other, Wilbur giving him a cheeky smile and slapping him on the back.

"Right. Schlatt is planning to take over and as you can see here..." Philza began as he pulled up a map "we are one of the first on the list."

The map was large, making the city small and several red dots on it.

"So Puffy wasn't wrong at all...." Nikki mumbled as he studied the map.

"Indeed she wasn't." Philza said "as you can see, he has pinpointed smaller mafias as fist but we aren't too far off. I'm guessing he is still a little angry over us growing as quickly as we did... taking over the industry. Not to mention the countless wars that we have one, he lost plenty of men because of us. Not surprising that he is targeting us."

"His great revenge.." George said as he looked at the map. It all really made sense. Eliminating the smaller mafias wouldn't be enough, especially if Philza would try and support them. Having agreements with others benefited Phil and also let the Syndicate have less attacks and overall be seen as the mafia that you want on your side. Schlatt was trying to hit the core of his issue.

"Exactly George. A great revenge. We all know that Schlatt has been the main one to stir up things here." Philza was still clicking away as he spoke "but I think he was prepared for us to take this information. Most files are empty or deleted. A shame really."

"So what do we do now then? What's our plan?" Techno asked, a stern look on his face. George knew that Techno and Wilbur were the most keen to listen to Philza, being his sons. They wouldn't want the place their father spent so much hard work getting destroyed by an opposing mafia. A mafia they all despised.

"That I don't know yet. I guess we just have to sit around and wait for their first move. Get prepared while we wait. The best option we have got with the current information. George, I'll leave it up to you to gather anything that could come in handy. Take your time"

George nodded. Though he knew that Philza needed this information fast, the fact that he was told to take his time made him a little more calmer. He would get it done as fast as possible nether the less.

"Right, that's all for now. All of you should go and rest. We won't be doing much active stuff so sleep it all off. You deserve it. Your dismissed."

• Thank you for reading 'Into you'!
•not much happening yet but soon soon... 👀

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