Chapter 9

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George questioned as he looked at the two of them. Philza nodded as he continued to talk.

"Yes, a rather serious issue. Earlier today, Wilbur was talking Slimcicle, finding out that Schlatt had mentioned in a meeting about targets. Targets to hunt down. We believe you may be one of them."

George didn't know what to feel. A.. target? Why would he be a target-? He didn't do the stuff Techno or the others did. He was the guy behind the scenes. Why were they suddenly interested in him...?

"Why would I be one of them..."

He questioned as he put his bag down. He didn't know what to think. He had always seen people BE hunted, but it was never HIM that was being hunted. George began clicking things together. So what happened in the alley way wasn't a...

"That we don't know. We couldn't get a lot of information since it wasn't known. I'm just glad to see that your alright. We should probably be a lot more careful now."

Philza looked at his monitor, he was clearly concerned by this. He probably didn't expect something like that, though staying in the shadows would be all they had to do for the time being. George being a target wouldn't make that easy whatsoever.

"George, were you being followed? Saw anyone suspicious? Anything?"

Nikki asked, also having a serious face on. George realised that she was wearing Wilburs red beanie, she only wore it when she was worried. She explained to George once that it made her calm down a little, having something that belongs to a friend close. It allowed her to have hope that the person was alright since she had something that they owned close to her. This definitely was serious.

"I don't think so..? I had a weird experience in the alley way. The one we use for travel. But there was no one there."

Philza slowly nodded as he looked at George, clearly thinking what to say. What to do.
They haven't had a situation like this before. Everyone did their jobs smoothly, leaving no evidence of them ever being there. It was peculiar for them to have picked George as a target, especially when he wasn't active during missions.

"I see..." he mumbled, "as long as your alright, I suppose we can't stress too much about it."

Well... apart from the knife almost plunging though his shoulder he was fine.

"I looked through the files Phil, there wasn't really much to be honest. A lot of the files were empty and the ones that weren't had useless information in it." George admitted as he took out his laptop and opened it for Phil to see.

It wasn't an awfully long list so it didn't take him a long time to read through it. After he was finished he leaned back, crossing his arms as he thought. It was rare to see Phil so concentrated, so helpless. It almost made George himself worried.

"The best thing we can do is keep you in the base. They won't be able to enter it. Not with minx and many other workers on the base. Not to mention that our one is a lot more hidden than theirs..."

That he had to admit, Phil was able to make a well run building look completely unstable and abandoned from the outside. He remembered trying to find this place for the first time when Phil offered him a job, he thought he was going to be sold for the black market or something.

George had many times been scared that the architecture in fact was really weak and that the building would come crushing down any moments but he had learnt that Phil was just able to decorate it well enough from the outside for him to think that it was weak.

"But I'm sure that won't stop them" Nikki tuned in, "if George really is one of their targets then they will definitely find a way to track him down. Manberg is one of the stronger mafias after all."

George felt like thin air, being the problem but not actually being able to take part in what was going on. It was about him after all. People wanted to hunt HIM down.

"That's also true..." Philza admitted, "I would say that we need to get rid of whoever is assigned to George but if we get rid of them, they will just send out someone else so that would be completely pointless."

"Or we just figure out who is after George and keep them on our radar for the time being"

A voice butted in. Wilbur's voice. He must have walked in while Phil was talking since George didn't hear him.

Nikki looked up at him, nodding before looked at Philza for his input.

"Sounds like a plan."

•little shorter update but the next ones should be longer :)
•thank you for reading 'into you'! :)

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