Chapter 30

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It had been so long since George had walked the long corridor that was lined with the multiple rooms which belonged to his closest friends. It was weird seeing all the signs with the names again.

And it was weird that Dream was there with him.

The two of them looked from door to door, reading the sign that was stuck to the wooden doors as they continued to walk. It wasn't long until they stopped outside a specific door.

'George :]' it read, his handwriting large and clear.

He opened the door to reveal the small room that had been left unoccupied for the past weeks that he had been away. He crept inside, Dream following him close by, the door being shut behind them.

The room was the way he had left it that night; the bed sheets neatly done and everything tucked away. All of his little figurines remained on the shelves and books were put away. He noticed a book and a hand sowed mushroom lay on top of his desk by his monitor. After looking a little closer he also realised a red beanie. He recognised it as Wilburs.

Walking towards the items, he opened up the brown and purple covered book, a large turquoise swirl drawn onto it. As he picked it up, a small note fell out, slowly gliding down to the floor.

He picked it up, turning and unfolding it to see what it read;

'Please come back to us George, I need to write more tales but I can't do it without you'

He could feel himself tearing up as he read it. It was short yet it really caused Georges heart to ache. He had left them all alone, they were so worried and just wanted him back. Meanwhile he was stuck at the other base thinking that they hated him; that they had given all hopes and left him there to suffer the consequence that were the result of his own actions.

He could feel Dream hover over him, looking over his shoulder at the note.

"You two are close huh?" He questioned. George smiling and nodding as he put the note to the side, turning around to show Dream the book. He knew exactly what it was, however he had never expected Karl to give it to him or at least leave it in his room whilst unfinished.

"Karl and I would always come up with these crazy stories, he ended up filling a huge book with them. In the stories he is a time traveller, travelling in time in order to help people."

"And you?"

"I was just mainly a character that would appear in the stories. All under different names of course, but I could tell which one was based off me." He smiled as he flicked through. All of the stories were neatly written in, doodles and small sheets of paper stuck into some pages. They were treated as the diary of the time traveler.

George turned around to look at the other items. The mushroom was soft in touch, made from wool. It was small but large enough for it to fit in both of his pasty hands. Nikki most likely did it, having told him before that she wants to try knitting since it seemed like a cute and calming hobby. George had found that cool since he had always thought that although it was a very rewarding hobby, it would be very long and would cause many to loose their patience. It wasn't surprising that Nikki was able to accomplish that though, she was one that was a rather patient person, often having to deal with his and Wilbur's bickering. It was kind of her to make it for him.

He would have to thank her later.

He definitely didn't think that Wilbur would give him his beanie either; the classic red beanie that had been with him through thick and thin, laughs and cries. George had actually worn it before, Wilbur laughing how George's fluffy hair would stick out from under it just like his, causing them to look like siblings. He too must have been extremely effected by George disappearing. They had agreed that they would talk tomorrow after everyone got a good amount of rest in but George felt the huge urge to just run to them and apologise the whole night. He didn't deserve them to be so welcoming back, not after all that he had done to them.

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