Chapter 13

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Once again he stood, flashing neon lights dancing around him. Loud music booming as sweaty and drunk bodies pushed against each other. The same room he was in just a day ago.

The same place people almost hurt him.

George wore his clout glasses, blue hood up as he looked around. He was sitting by the bar drinking his cocktail. Although he hadn't wanted to come here a day ago since he wasn't in the mood for drinking, he decided that maybe a drink occasionally wouldn't hurt. Especially when so much was on his mind.

The music was loud but the numbness from the alcohol made it seem bearable, it made him forget about what happened.

If he had to be honest about how he got there, he snuck out. He filled his bed with pillows and quietly left the building in the middle of the night after a he had spent a few hours just staring at his bedroom ceiling, soon realising that he wasn't going to get any sleep this way. He wasn't 'allowed' to leave the property without supervision. But as you may know, George didn't really like that. He hated it to be frank. Even though he liked to left alone at times, he liked to be somewhat free, even if there were many dangers in the horizon. He liked the dangers and obstacles, it's what gave him the serotonin. The world was a dangerous place anyways. At least his world was.

"Hey there handsome" a pretty tall female said, sitting next to george as she looked at him with flirty eyes "you alone?"

George smirked slightly as he looked at her, the alcohol clearly having an input on his reactions. Usually he wouldn't care, he wouldn't even give any attention to people like that, knowing their intentions quite quickly. But right now, he didn't really care. He just wanted to forget about what was happening. "Yeah... I am. And what's that to you?"

"Oh nothing" the female said, tucking in some hair behind her ear "just figured that we could spend the night together... make it worth a while for the both of us..." she was a young female, probably not a lot younger than George. Long brown hair and blue eyes, tight red dress which was created specifically to show her chest more than usual. She wore black heals that made her seem about George's height though if she took them off, she would most likely be a lot shorter.

"Unfortunately that won't be happening" a voice George couldn't recognise tuned in "pretty boy is with me."

George just smirked as he took a sip of his drink, not having a care in the world about what was happening. A female and a male fighting over him, quite interesting. He liked the sudden attention.

"I'm sorry but I don't know what you are talking about, me and..." the girl began, looking for George for help, clearly not receiving any as George simply smirked and looked away.

"Me and...?" The voice mimicked before placing his hand on the table and leaning over George. He had rather tanned hands. They lived in Florida- tanned people weren't hard to find. George may just be the only ghost white British guy around who spent majority of his days in his room. "Pretty boy is with me Barbie. Now move along."

The male leaning over George radiated heat. It felt as if George would get burned from being too close to him. His smell being practically intoxicating though George wasn't sure if that was the alcohol affecting him or not.

The female simply tutted, giving the two an angry glance as she got off the stool and began to walk off, the sound of her heels soon not being heard over the loud music.

George jolted into consciousness as he felt someone touch him, pulling his arm out of their grasp as he stepped back off the stool. There stood the same male he saw not longer than a day ago, a white bandana strapped around his forehead and a fire designed shirt.


"Come on pretty boy" they said, clearly still trying to play along with whatever act they were doing.

"Who the fuck are you- no!" George took a step back as the person looked at them, standing still for a moment. He may have had a couple of drinks, not really sure how many at this point, but he was still able to remember that face. He knew exactly who he was and his intentions.

And then a sharp pain.

A sharp pain in his left shoulder. It started feeling numb, painfully numb. George looked at what was causing it, dreading what he was about to see.

A needle. A needle that had a substance in his shoulder.

The other male reached out to George again but he had begun to run. Run as fast as possible through the crowd of dancing people, apologising to the people's grunts and arguments as he shoved past them in order to loose the other male. He tugged the needle out of his shoulder, dropping it somewhere on the floor as he continued to run through the dance floor.

He knew he shouldn't have come here. What made him think that the people had a day off and weren't following him. He knew how those things worked so why did he still decide it was a good idea to come here? How could he be so stupid! How!?

He already felt sick from the alcohol, not being much of a drinker, but the sudden drowsiness that came from whatever was in that needle made it a hundred times worse. He could feel the world spinning, it was so incredibly hot.

The emergency exit.

George dashed for it, holding onto his arm as a way to tell himself that he is still in his body. A way to know that he still had some control over his body. He didn't care if he would pass out on the street from the drugs that were put into him. As long as he was able to escape, as long as he was able to hide from them he would be fine. He would get scowled in the morning when he came back after awakening from the drugs that were put into him, but if he had to be honest, he much rather wanted that then whatever was going to happen to him after he blacked out in the club. But he didn't have much time, he didn't know how quick the drugs kicked in before he-

He felt another sharp pain. This time from the back of his head.

His body ached but he couldn't tell from all the numbness. He opened his eyes to see that both of his hands were pinned to the wall, the male with the white smiley mask he saw not so long ago standing in front of him.

Desperate, he tried to set his arms free but it was no use. Not only was the other physically stronger, but George was starting to loose sense of his body and of his surroundings as well. He didn't stand a chance.

"Are you alone? Not such a a good idea is it..." the masked male said as they inched closer to George.

"Leave... leave me the fuck alone..." George muttered as he continued to try to break free, feeling his head slightly droop down. Any energy he put into moving made him feel weaker, his whole body starting to give into the toxins.

The taller male chuckled a little, looking behind him. The hallways were empty. Even if George tried to scream no one would hear, the music was too loud for anyone to hear him.

The masked male flinched as they heard something fall, his eyes following to where the sound was.

George glasses had fallen as his head leaned loosely against the masked males shoulder. They sighed as they let go of Georges hands, watching as the entire male fell onto them. Unconscious.

"Mission success"

•another very exciting chapter to write, finally we will be seeing more of George and Dream :)
•thank you for reading 'into you'!

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