Plump Lips (LEMON)

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Lemon ahead. Please note both Y/n and Oikawa are at the proper age. Please enjoy!

"Y/nnnnnnn- Chan"

I looked up from the book I was reading. It was one of those days, the days where everyone had club meetings and you were alone but to your surprise you had an unexpected visitor.

"Oikawa- kun? What are you doing here, don't you have club?" You asked watching your boyfriend walk over to you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and burying his face into your hair.

"I skipped" his voice was muffled due to his face against your hair.

"What why?!?"

He pulled away from you and sat down into the chair next to you, "Because I missed you, and I knew you would be lonely and sad without your boyfriend~"

Boyfriend. You liked the sound of that. "I'm not lonely and sad, I'm perfectly fine snuggled up with my book. Oh, I have something for you"

"Really!? Me too" he went digging in his pocket while you went into your backpack grabbing a neatly wrapped loaf of milk bread. You turned to him with a smile and pushed it towards him, he returned the gesture and handed you a small bracelet.

You looked down in your hands and admired the small beaded bracelet. It was pretty obvious Oikawa made it, the beads read sun. You looked up at him, a eyebrow lifted. "Because when I first saw you, you sat in the sun" He said with a warm smile.

You gently put it onto your wrist and looked back over at Oikawa, "I made it at the team sleepover!" He said happily. You laughed at the fact that the boys made bracelets together at a sleepover, you wondered what oikawa would look like with his hair in a tiny little pony.

"I made that from scratch, never again though, it was hard as hell" you said pointing to the loaf of milk bread.

"I bet it's sweet, but not as sweet as you~" he smirked.

"You are so cheesy"


Here you were sitting on your comfy bed next to Oikawa. You were surprised your parents let him into your room, all the other times he snuck in or it was a secret between the siblings.

"Hey Y/n- Chan"

You turned your head towards him, your hair brushing against your cheek. You were met with Oikawa's big brown eyes staring back at you.

"Want to try something?" He asked brushing strands of hair away from your face, his pupils dilated.

"Yeah, sure. Why not" you mumbled, returning the gesture and running your fingers through his brown locks.

Oikawa quickly moved over and leaned over a over your body. He looked down at you, leaning down and kissed your plump lips. He quickly pulled away and turned his head to the side, trying to hide his embarrassment. You chuckled at his shyness and noticed his cheeks turning a ruby red.

"Don't laugh!" He said looking back down at you, pushing his bottom lip out. You smiled and pulled Oikawa back down into another kiss, this time more loving and passionate then the one before, You could feel his smirk against your lips. The kiss continued to get deeper and deeper until you felt Oikawa push himself down against your body.

He pulled away once more and quickly unbuttoned his school uniform and threw it onto the floor. Looking down at your flushed face he gripped the end of your shirt and looked up at your lust filled eyes.

"Is this okay?" He practically mumbled.

You quickly nodded, watching as Oikawa excitedly pulled your shirt over your head. He smirked looking down at your chest, "Is this what you've been hiding under your uniform?" He quickly unclipped your bra, throwing it into the pile of clothing next your bed. Oikawa then began nibbling down your neck and chest, looking up at your lustfilled face, smirking.

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