Study buddys

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The bell rung indicating it was the end of the school day. Today was now Friday which brought joy to you and your peers. You quickly took your phone out texting Iwaizumi. Study buddy?

You quickly changed shoes to get home to change. You waited for a text message back. Sure. Just got done with practice. Is it okay that a friend is there? You read the text message from iwaizumi and smiled. Hopefully getting help from Iwaizumi will help pass your classes. You quickly stood up grabbing your bag and rushing to Iwaizumi's house.

Iwaizumi was quite happy that you were coming over. But sadly his best friend had to tag along since he promised to study with him as well.

"What's their name? What year? Girl or boy? Cute?" Oikawa asked. While Iwaizumi just ignored his annoying friend. Iwaizumi didn't know if it was a good or bad idea to bring him but it was either cancel studying with you, which he didn't want to do or cancel studying with Oikawa, which was helping him. The worst that could happen is that you would fall for Oikawa like most girls.


Iwa's mom opened the door with a big hug.

"I haven't seen you for so long! How are you? You look so beautiful now, what a beautiful young lady!" She said holding you tight.

You don't really remember her except for all the baby sitting she did.

You slide off your shoes and she lead you towards Hajime's room. The house still smelt the same and still looked the same. It felt warm.

She quickly left when she brought you to the front of his door to get refreshments. You opened the door to see two familiar faces looking up at you.

"You?!?" Oikawa spoke first looking at Iwaizumi and back at you. Both you and Iwaizumi ignored the boy and smiled at each other. You sat down across from oikawa and next to Iwaizumi.

"We can finally talk!" You said happily wrapping your arms around iwaizumi's neck, which caught him off guard. You didn't see the look on his face but he had a big smile on his face. While oikawa sat confused taking in the whole thing.


"I see that no of my help worked" oikawa said crossing his arms and pouting like a child. You were working on more math work while the boys worked on some random English assignment.

"I never said that! You helped me pass my math test on Thursday" you stated continuing to write down a random equation.

"Really?!?" Oikawa said happily looking at you. Iwaizumi kept his head down trying to get as much work done as possible. Oikawa has some how made his way to the left side of you peering over your shoulder to see what you were working on.

Honestly it felt good to be hanging out with Iwaizumi and Oikawa instead of Emmy and Haru. But they were all completely different. While Emmy and Haru were more laid back. Oikawa and Iwaizumi always wanted to do something, which was exciting.

"I didn't know y'all knew each other" Iwaizumi said putting down his pencil and looking over at you and Oikawa.

"We don't" you stated looking up at the boys "I bet he doesn't even know my name" you finished.

Oikawa acted offended while he looked at you. "Actually for your information I do know you name beautiful~" he basically purred.

"You don't know a thing or two about me" you stated "You just decided that my room was now a hangout spot for you" you finished your eyebrows scrunched together.

"Hey, hey, hey, no need to be mad. Your gonna get wrinkles if you keep scrunching your eyebrows together like that" he said putting his finger in between your eyebrows. You quickly pushed his hand away.

"Your friends are annoying, Hajime" you said looking over at Iwa. He nodded at you  while oikawa pouted in the corner.

"I thought you were cool" oikawa said before picking up his pencil to write again. You patted his back while he continued to pout.

You all finished your work. Well most of it. You stood up to leave when you noticed a picture on Iwa's wall. You quickly walked up to the wall and admired the photo. "You still have this picture!" You said looking back at iwaizumi who was laying on his head looking at the ceiling. He got up to look as well as oikawa. It was a picture of you and iwaizumi in a pool together with two big smiles.

"Yeah, I found it the other day and decided to hang it up" he said standing up straight and looking at you and Oikawa.

"Hmm, you look cuter there" oikawa said looking at you. You glared at him while oikawa smiled like a fool before pointing at another photo. "Look it's me!" He said like a child. You looked at the photo of oikawa and iwaizumi they looked about the same age as the photo you were in. They both held a big smile, oikawa holding a volleyball and Iwaizumi holding a net.

"Hajime looks cuter than you" you stated laughing a little. Oikawa pretended to feel hurt "You said cuter! You think I'm cute~" he teased.

You scoffed and grabbed your bag heading for the door "Bye Hajime!" You said turning to blow the boy a kiss. Oikawa quickly grabbed his bag following after you.

"Wait for me!" He said quickly closing the door behind him and catching up with you.

"Want me to walk you home" he asked looking down at you.

"I'm fine" you responded trying to walk a little faster than him trying to get away. It didn't work. Oikawa had longer legs than you and was way more athletic than you will ever be. He really didn't care that you said that you didn't want him to walk you home, he was gonna do it anyways. It was late at night and he wouldn't forgive himself is something had happened to you.

"Are you following me?" You asked looking over at him.

"Maybe" he said continuing to look forward. You looked back in front of you paying attention to where you were walking. While oikawa now changed his gaze to look at you.

"Wanna go on a date" he spit out. You looked up at him surprised.

"You do know I have a boyfriend, right?"

He shrugged and looked forward.

"Then just break up with him"

You tried not to laugh, you thought he was joking.

"No! I like him"

"What's his name?"

"Haru Takashi"

"What club is he in"



"Why are you asking me all these questions?"

Oikawa shrugged once again and looked down at you.

"He doesn't sound like a good boyfriend. Wouldn't he help you study if he was a good boyfriend instead of Iwa-Chan and me, a random guy you just met"

He had a point. But you didn't want to admit it.

"He has practice" you mumbled under your breath.

"So did we"

"What are you getting at! He's a good boyfriend and good person, he's a nice guy!" You said crossing your arms.

"Chill, princess. I was just saying you deserve someone better"

You arrived at your house and quickly rand into your house, not saying a goodbye or anything. Oikawa laughed a little until turning away walking the opposite way towards his house.

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