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You woke up early and met up with Emmy, Levi having bad practice and not being able to make it. You held the Pom poms in your hand from yesterday. You and Emmy made the quick bus ride and entered the center, yawning like crazy.

The boys were still standing outside waiting for their call to be made.

"Yo Y/n!" You heard a voice that sounded like Yahaba yelling. You turned to see him and the rest of the team all looking at you. You and Emmy made your way towards them, two tired messes. "I thought you would stay at home and finish the project for History" Watari said. You had completely forgotten "We had a project for history?" You asked and they started laughing. Iwaizumi walked up and messed your bed hair up even more.

"Where's Oikawa-Kun" you asked looking around for the boy.


Yes, Oikawa was in the bathroom. But hiding. He knew you were out there. He tried walking out before but saw you walking in and he quickly ran back inside. Truth is he had a dream about you last night.... a dream he would rather not talk about. It left his as red as a tomato. But he ignored that and told himself he needed to focus on the game. He made his way out the bathroom and towards the team, he grabbed his bag pretending you weren't even there. The call came and they made their way to the court.

"Good luck!" You yelled at the boys and a few put up some thumbs ups or peace signs. You smiled and pulled Emmy up to the crowd. The court was bigger than the other court and it was more shiny and didn't smell as bad. You two stood in perfect view of the court. Y'all were in for a wild ride, five sets. But you couldn't say anything when you were in the crowd in comfort while the boys were fighting to win.

"Hey, Y/n-senpai" You heard Kira, she made her way and sat right next to you and Emmy. The group of fan girls a few seats away.

Oikawa and Ushijima shook hands and the game began. You crossed your fingers wishing for the best. Suddenly you felt the phone in your pocket start yo buzz like crazy, you took it out, a call from mom. You stood up and quickly leaving the gym, to stand in the hall. You quickly answered the call.


"Where are you?!"

"I told you I was going to watch volleyball today" she forgot again.

You heard your mom sigh over the phone.
"Come home and take care of your brother. I have work and your dad is at a meeting. Last time he was home alone everything was a mess. Come home now"


"No buts, come home now" and with that she hung up.

You shoved the phone back in your pocket and walked back up to the stands. You approached Emmy and Kira frowning. "What's wrong?" Kira asked standing up from her seat.

"I have to go home. Keep me updated on the game. Tell the boys I said good job, wether they lost or won" you stated and grabbed your things. You quickly looked down at the game to see Shiratorizawa taking the first set. You sighed and walked out the building towards the bus.


The tv reflected on you and your little brothers face. It was now 7:30 pm and you and your brother were watching a random movie to try to pass time. Emmy has told you that Aoba Johsai had lost you were thinking of a way to tell the boys it was okay. You looked over to see your brother asleep next to you. You slowly got up and picked him up to tuck him in bed. You came back to the tv and started flicking threw channels, when the door bell rung.

Who was at the door at 7:30 at night. You sighed and stood up to walk to the door. Opening it you saw Oikawa.

"Oikawa-kun?" You asked, no response came from the boy. He walked in, still not making eye contact and wrapped his arms around you, stuffing his face in the crook of your neck. You had never felt Oikawa's arms around you before, you felt oddly nice, warm and most importantly safe. You wrapped your arms around him, returning the hug, you slowly rubbed your hand up and down his back. "Oikawa-Kun" you whispered against the boy.

He let go slowly and looked at you for the first time in what felt like forever. His beautiful happy brown eyes now looked sad. You noticed that his eyes were a bit blood shot and bags were forming bellow his eyes. He still wore his uniform from the game, his back pack sitting on his shoulders. "I'm sorry Y/n" he said softly.

"It's okay" you started and grabbed his hand, which surprised him "Come on" you said pulling him towards your room. Oikawa didn't know if he was dreaming or not, he reached for his left arm to give it a small pinch just to make sure. You brought him to your bed and sat him down on the edge. You brought your hand out asking for his jacket but Oikawa didn't seem to understand and put his hand on yours, making you giggle a bit. "No silly, your jacket" he gave out a small 'oh' and took off his jacket handing it to you. You sat it down next to his backpack and closed the door. You then sat next to him on the bed.

You felt oikawa wrap his arms around you again and throw you back onto the bed. His head was nuzzled in your hair and you could feel his heart beat. His arms were wrapped around you tightly, like you were a teddy bear. You could tell he was trying his best to not cry. You reached down and rubbed his hand. "Toru" you started which automatically gave all of Oikawa's attention to you. You started up again, "It's okay to loose, please don't feel like a failure. Don't overwork yourself. Your already the best in my eyes" you finished, whispering softly.

You felt Oikawa's heart beat grow faster. "Y/n, I'm sorry" you were confused on why he was saying sorry, it was like he read your mind and he answered your question. "I saw Iwa holding you, I got jealous so I ignored you two" he confessed. You went quiet, not knowing how to respond.

"Y/n, I'm in love with you"

It felt as if the world had stopped and it was just you and Oikawa, laying in your small twin sized bed. You now understood that it wasn't Iwaizumi or Levi it was Oikawa. He really did love you, he wasn't playing around. He loved you. He loved how you would smile, those were the best days. He loved how you messily tied your hair back everyday or when you were stressed. He loved how you would always beg him for help on your homework. He loved how your e/c looked in the sun and how your skin would glow in the sunlight. He loved when you would say his name or when you would touch him. It shot adrenaline down his whole body, and butterflies would begin to swarm his stomach.

You felt your heart bear begin to beat faster by the second. You squeezed Oikawa's hand "I'm sorry Toru, I was confused and in the moment it felt like the right thing. But now I've realized..." you said it over and over in your head before you actually spat it out. "I realized that I love you too" you felt your heart skip a beat and Oikawa gave out a goofy smile against your skin.

You loved Oikawa Toru. You loved everything about him, his good and bad. You admired how hard he worked at things he loved. You loved his messy brown hair and his soft skin. You loved how he could make you laugh just be saying stupid things. You loved how he helped you with almost everything. You loved to see him smile when he was with you or Iwaizumi. You loved watching him play, which you would actually admit to him. You loved Oikawa Toru.

With that you two fell into a deep sleep, Oikawa's arms never let go of you.


AN: Eeeeee I'm so sorry I don't think I did this chapter justice. I might re write it. But I hope you enjoyed anyways. ( ' ▽ ' ) I hope you have a nice rest of your day!

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