Study, study, study, or fail

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"Emmy-channnnnnn~" Oikawa waddled into the debate club classroom.

"Ew, no trash aloud" Emmy said while carrying flyers around the room.

"Wahhh" Oikawa sighed and sat down "Emmy-Chan I need your helppppp" he continued whining.

"Drop the Chan and the whining and then I'll think about it. What do you even need help with in the first place?"

"We must talk about Y/n-Chan!"

Emmy looked at the boy and raised and eyebrow. "What do you need"

"I want you to tell me all her favorite things!"

"Then we'll be here for awhile"

"Okay.... then tell me if Y/n-Chan likes me! I tell her everyday I love her"

Emmy looked at Oikawa in disbelief "You really think I'm gonna tell you if Y/n likes you... " Emmy started laughing while Oikawa stared at her quietly.

"Wait" Emmy stopped laughing noticing his face "Do you actually like her? Or are you just playing with her heart?"

"I think I love her.... I always think about her and how pretty her smile is and how she hits me softly whenever I say something stupid. I've never felt more eager to talk to someone or do anything than now apart from volleyball" Oikawa was serious. "So please Emmy, tell me everything you can about Y/n-Chan"

Emmy sighed and sat next to him. "Alright"


You had been staying up almost all night studying for the next unit test coming up. You tried your best to understand the stupid material but still couldn't seem to understand a single thing. You sighed standing up from your chair to run around your house to look for someone to help you with your studying, but no one seemed to be home except for your kid brother who couldn't even do a simple 10x10. You sadly walked back into your room to whip out your phone. You thought about anyone you could ask to come over who was smart enough to help and not be just as clueless as you. Emmy busy with debate club. Levi band, band, band. Iwaizumi?

You took out your phone to text Iwaizumi.

7:47 pm:
You- Can you help me with studying I don't understand anythinggggg

You only waited two minutes for a response.

7:49 pm:
Iwaizumi- can't, studying just as hard as you

Then you remembered the genius who helped you in the past with studying. Tooru Oikawa. You quickly shot oikawa a text.

7:51 pm:
You- help

7:53 pm:
Tooru- homework again? I'll bring snacks! ;)

You thanked the lords. Before you knew it Oikawa was at your door, a back pack filled with snacks and his homework. "I get to have a study date with Y/n-Chan! I get to have a study date with Y/n-Chan!" He sang while dancing over to your room. You closed the door and followed after him.


"And then you flip it and bam! Then you have your answer" Oikawa explained to you, hoping you would understand. You nodded your head and completed the problem.

"Thank you, Oikawa" you said happily. He noticed how happy you were and couldn't help but grin, heat rushing to his cheeks.

You were thankful to have Oikawa in your life. If you didn't have him then your life would just be plain and.... boring. But Oikawa's presence could light up any room. Even if he didn't say a word, just him being there made you happy.

He only wore a simple white tee shirt and grey sweatpants, his hair all messy like someone went over and shook it all over the place. His glasses sat at the bridge of his nose making it easier for him to see. He was perfect.

"I'm going to fail everything when you leave to college" you sighed setting your head on the table. Oikawa sat pencil in hand looking down at his own homework. He looked up to you and set his pencil down. He patted your head gently.

"I won't be leaving far, I'm only a bus ride away" he said before turning back to his homework. You watched him for a little while until you caught his attention.

"Are you almost done yettttt" you questioned him. And he looked up smirking.

"Now look who is begging for attention~" he responded before closing his book and stuffing it in his backpack. You rolled your eyes and sat up, stretching a bit.

"What do you want to do?" Oikawa asked while watching you.

"Anything, I'm bored" you responded yawning a bit.

"Anything~" Oikawa said smirking once again. You quickly caught on to what he meant and threw the closest pillow at him. "Pervert" you replied.

"Okayyyyyy" you two sat there thinking. A light bulb appeared above Oikawa's head and he smiled.

"Let's play volleyball!"

"I hate volleyball, the ball will always try to come for me, and I don't have a volleyball"

Oikawa unzipped his backpack and pulled out a volleyball and held it in the air "Ta da! Don't worry Y/n-Chan I'll protect you from the ball" he said wearing a goofy smile.

"Your the one that would throw the ball at me!"

"Come one lets go play volleyball!" He said standing up and grabbing your hand to help you up.


You two now stood outside, oikawa golding the volleyball and you standing in front of him. "Have you played volleyball before?" He asked gently grabbing your arms to help you get your arms in the right position to bounce the ball back and fourth correctly.

"When I was eight, but then I got hit in the face really hard and decided to quit"

You saw that Oikawa was trying to keep his laughter in. Eventually you got the right position and you two began to hit the ball back and fourth to each other.

"When's your next game?" You asked passing the ball back.

"Next Friday it's the prefectures, we are going to dominate karasuno and win against Shiratorizawa"

You looked up at Oikawa he had a determined look on his face but you knew deep inside he still had a feeling that he wasn't ready to fight against Shiratorizawa again. He never wanted to loose against them again.

"I'll come" you stated passing the ball back. The ball fell to the ground rolling slowly away. You looked up from the ball and at Oikawa. He had a goofy smile on his face.

"Really!?" He asked happily and you nodded as a response. "You can be our good luck charm! But only cheer me on, okay~"

You laughed a little bit and gave him a thumbs up. And he ran over to you and gave you a big bear hug and picking you up in the air. Oikawa then sat you back on the floor and began kissing you on your cheeks. "Y/n-Chan is my good luck charm!" He announced to the neighborhood, dancing around. While you stood there flustered.


AN: I did two today because I was BOREDDD next chapter will be more time with the other boys hehe. Hope you are enjoying the book so far! Two chapters in one day yay!

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