Jealousy never looked good on him

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Oikawa waited for his best friend to leave. He saw the whole thing. His heart ached. Everything he told Emmy was true he really was serious about you. He would do everything and anything just to see you smile.

Seeing his best friend holding you instead of him hurt him.

He watched Iwa walk down the street heading back home and he slowly walked up to your house. He held the charger he accidentally took from you the other day. He gently knocked on the door and waited for you to respond. You quickly ran up to the door and opened it to see Oikawa.

"Oikawa-Kun" you said softly and he looked up to you. He forcefully handed you the charger.

"Here Y/n, I took the wrong charger" he said. He wouldn't even look at you, you were confused on how he was acting. No Y/n-Chan.

"What's wrong" you asked but got no reply from the boy. You watched Oikawa turn around and leave not looking back.


Today was now Monday, three days until the prefectures. You walked into school with Emmy early since she was on cleaning duty today for debate club.

It was now lunch and you haven't seen Oikawa or Iwa all day not even in the hallways. You just assumed that the volleyball club was probably trying to fit in all the practice they could get.

You weren't wrong. All the way across campus Oikawa, Iwa and the rest of the volleyball club stood in the gym. You had no idea that Oikawa and Iwa hadn't spoken a word to each other all day. Oikawa was jealous. And jealousy never looked good on him. It came to the point where he wouldn't set to the ace unless he really had to. Iwa didn't know why he was actually being shitty, but he just pushed past it and just thought it was family problems or something.

"That's it for today, good work! See you after school" oikawa said to the team and quickly walked over to grab his bag to leave. But Iwa caught up to him.

"Hey" no response "What's wrong Shittykawa?" No response. Iwa gave up and watched as Oikawa made his way to the cafeteria instead of the classroom where you and your friends were.

Iwa slid the door open to see you, Emmy and Levi eating lunch in peace. You looked up to see him walk in alone. "Where's Toru?" You asked confused. Your friends looked up at you confused on the sudden name change. Iwa shrugged and sat down in front of Emmy.

"He's being shitty" Iwa stated and grabbed his lunch out his bag.

"Isn't that like his thing, being shitty" Levi stated flipping the page of the manga he was reading.

You laughed a bit but were still worried about Oikawa. What could have possibly happened to him, he was so happy the last time you saw him. The way he talked to you the other day, he wouldn't make eye contact, he spoke harshly, and now everything happening with Iwa. Something was wrong with him.

At the cafeteria Oikawa sat with Yahaba and a few other second years that he barely knew. He usually tried his best to avoid the cafeteria. Because that was where all the girls were. Fan girls. He sighed knowing that a girl was going to come up to him and confess their feelings to him. Then a idea struck him. He waited patiently for a girl to come up to him, any girl.

Soon enough a girl with short brown hair slowly made their way towards Oikawa, her glasses laying on the bridge of his nose. He's never met the girl before she looked about your age, but he quickly shook the thought of you out his head. This wasn't about you anymore.


It was now the next day and you walked towards the gym, early enough for the boys to still be practicing. While you were approaching the door you noticed a small girl standing, watching the boys. Her short brown hair sat on her shoulders and she pushed her glasses up gently. She was clearly flustered. You assumed she was a first year since you had never met her before or seen her around the halls.

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