I'm here to help

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There was a team meeting for the volleyball club during lunch. But it had finished in the matter of 15 minutes resulting in a full 20 minutes for Oikawa to try to talk to you. He jogged through the hallways crossing his fingers that the soccer boy and your best friend would have disappeared.

He was surprised when his wish actually came true. There you were sitting alone in your usual desk, a pencil in hand and eyebrows scrunched together looking down at the paper in front of you. Your earbuds in your ear, music up loud. Your hair sat on your shoulders unlike the other day.

Only he would notice everything about you. He felt like he had known you forever when in reality you only met him a few days ago.

He walked in and slid the door closed before carefully walking towards you, trying not to startle you. He sat down two seats away from you and took out a random book he had left in his school bag. He wanted to see how long it would be before you had noticed him. You not noticing him just gave him more time to admire you.

You put your pencil down and sighed looking up for the first time to take a break from the math in front of you. You turned your head to see a smiling brunette, his head resting on his right arm, looking at you happily. It only took two minutes and 14 seconds for you to notice the boy sitting next to you. You looked startled at first but picked up your phone to pause the music.

You just stared at each other for a few seconds before Oikawa decided to speak up. "You need help?" He asked looking down at the sheet of math and back up at you.

You looked down at the sheet of math noticing you hadn't wrote anything down on the whole sheet apart for your name. A bit embarrassed you looked back up at the boy. You didn't want to admit that you did.

"Don't worry I don't bite~" he said before closing the book in front of him and getting up to set next to your desk, scooting it a bit closer to yours. You noticed how he took out a pair of glasses and put them on before taking the sheet of math from your desk and looking it over.

You analyzed his features a bit more. You soon understood why all these girls fall for him so easily. How his brown hair sat perfectly on his head and moved a little every time he moved his head. His beautiful brown eyes and how he focused on the paper in his hands. And his lips, his lips looked soft and made anybody want to kiss them. The glasses that sat on the tip of his nose definitely made him look even better.

The sun sat on both of your body's while you both sat in the quiet room. You noticed him look up at you "What do you not understand?" He asked before sliding the paper back in front of you.

He was the opposite of what people told you  he was like. He seemed more peaceful than overall confident and self absorbed.

You sighed once more before crossing your arms and looking ahead rather at the boy. "Everything" you mumbled.

"I'm here to help" he said calmly which brought your attention back to him. Picking up the pencil he started to explain it in a way you understood completely. Maybe you didn't need help from Iwaizumi.

You finished the sheet before lunch ended. Which left a happy Oikawa he celebrated with a small yes and pumped his fist in the air in which you just laughed at and stuffed the paper back into your bag. You didn't notice but there was a small hint of pink coating Oikawa's cheeks.

At that moment you had forgotten everything about Haru and all your focus was on Oikawa Tooru.

The bell rung and quickly brought you back to real life. You quickly stood up grabbing your bag and bowing your head down in front of the boy. "Thank you" you mumbled before you felt two hand lift your head up gently. Oikawa was significantly taller than you and looked down at you smiling "No need for thanking me" he said caressing your cheek before you quickly noticed what was going on and quickly left to get to your class. Leaving Oikawa smiling like a freak while walking to his class.

AN: I hope this came out cute. I hope you enjoyed and were happy about more oikawa!

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