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The weekend passed smoothly. Doing nothing but laying in bed watching anime and catching up on homework to raise your grade. You talked to your friends but didn't go out to do anything.

It was now Monday. And you once again sat alone in the classroom where you would normally eat lunch with your friends. But instead the Volleyball club had a meeting, same with the debate club. The times like these were when you wished you had joined a club.

The silence was nice. You thought everyone deserved to have some time to them selves for awhile. The weather today was more over cast than anything. So you decided playing a little bit of video games would be fitting. So like usual you plugged your headphones in and whipped out your console.

You hadn't noticed the door slide open. In walked Levi with the biggest grin on his face. "I knew I saw you walk in here alone!" He said, but you didn't hear him. "Y/n?" No response. He frowned and walked over to you, tapping you on the shoulder. You jumped a little in your chair before looking behind you to see the boy.

"Hello?" You said confused.


"What are you doing here"

"I saw you walk in here alone so I thought it would be the perfect time to show you what I made for you" he said sitting down, putting his guitar next to him. He pulled out a paper from his backpack and slid it towards you. You picked the paper up and read it, it was like a poem. You looked up at him confused. He noticed and gave out a quirky laugh.

"I wrote a song about you!" You looked up at him surprised. The heat rushing to your cheeks.

"Wha- why!? We only just basically met on Friday!"

"Well we actually met last year in English, but I wrote the song because I thought you were cute and you gave me inspiration. My band mates thought it was pretty good. I can play it for you?" He said looking at you, wanting your approval.

"Uh sure"

His smile grew even larger. He unzipped his guitar case and took out his guitar. He checked if it was tuned, which it was. He looked up at you to see if you were ready and you gave him a thumbs up. He strummed the guitar and began singing. He told you before it sounded better with bass and drums. The whole time you two wore big smiles. Your cheeks were a rosy color. He sang with such passion it was beautiful, it sounded almost like a love song but you refused to believe that it was a love song. When he finished you clapped your hands happily.

"You're so good at singing, Levi! So talented" you smiled at him. Now it was him who was blushing.

"Thank you, princess. It was all for you" he said smirking and putting the guitar away. "I have a gig on Saturday, you should come. You can bring a friend, just tell me and I'll put your name on the roster"


"Yeah, just tell me before Thursday-" he was cut off by the door sliding open again. 

"Y/n-Chan we are back~" Oikawa said running into the classroom, Iwaizumi behind him. Oikawa looked over to you and Levi confused. "Y/n-Chan you're cheating on me" he said running over to you pouting.

"Shut up Shittykawa" Iwaizumi said walking up to the three of y'all.

"I didn't know you were dating pretty boy" Levi said looking over to you. Everyone started laughing a bit except for Oikawa.

"Haha no, Oikawa has all the girls why would he want to date little ol' me" you said.

Everyone went quiet. "Every guy wants a girl like you" Iwaizumi spoke up, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yeah, I agree with him" Levi started "If you were my girl all my songs would be about you"

Your face felt like it was on fire.

"Hey! I can write songs for Y/n-Chan too! And plus I love Y/n-Chan the most" oikawa said confidently standing up from his chair.

"Pfft, I fell in love with her the first time my eyes laid on her" Levi now stood too.

"Huh" you mumbled.

"I love Y/n-Chan more than anyone!"

Thankfully the bell rung indicating that lunch was over. You quickly grabbed your stuff and ran out the classroom.


Sitting in class you noticed the rain start to hit the window. You sighed knowing you didn't bring a umbrella or anything to protect you from the rain. You prayed the rain would stop soon but like usual your prayers were never answered.

When the last bell rung you slowly walked out the classroom, hoping the slowly you walk the rain would beat you and stop. Emmy has debate club, so you couldn't ask for an umbrella from her and you highly doubt she even brought one. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket you took it out to see a new text message.

5:09 pm:
Tooru- meet me at gym doors

The text was more confusing than anything, oikawa always put a face at the end or a question mark, always implying it was your choice to meet him but instead it was more of a command. You were confused but just made your way to the gym.

Everyone had left by now, except for random clubs. You looked up when you heard your name be called.



He smiled at you and waved the umbrella in his hands around. You laughed at him and joined him under the umbrella.

"I saw on the weather app it was going to rain, I knew you would have just looked out the window to decide to bring a umbrella or not"

You laughed at how well he knew you. Despite only knowing each other for two months or so, he knew you so well. You almost wondered where he got all this information from.

"Wait, don't you have practice?" You asked looking up at him.

"It's Monday" he said looking down at you.

"I know but don't you have practice, you spend a lot of your time in the gym even if it is Monday"

Now he was the one laughing, he then realized how much you knew about him. "How else am I supposed to beat TOBIO!" You two continued walking towards your house, talking about random stuff.


You hummed a little to show him you were listening.

"Why do you like that boy?"

You were confused at the question.

"What boy"

"The one with the guitar"

You scoffed looking over at him.

"I don't like him, I barely even know him"

He went silent for a few seconds.

"Then why did he write you a song"

You shrugged, you didn't even know why.

"If you want me to write you a song" Oikawa started, looking down at his shoes "I can!" He sounded determined.

You were surprised at his words and couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Whaaaa~" Oikawa said nudging you.

"I'll do anything for you Y/n-Chan! I'll even quit eating milk bread or...." he started to think a bit on what else he loved so dearly "Volleyball! Just for you, if you asked me to"

Your cheeks started to burn up a little more. "I won't ask you to do that, stupid"

You two fell into a comfortable silence for a while. You listened to the rain hit against the umbrella you two shared. You craved for the body heat from Oikawa.

"Hey, Oikawa. Why are you so different around me but when we are around others you are so different"

"Hmm" he thought out loud "Because I- hmm... feel more comfortable with you but that doesn't mean I'm not going to tease you Y/n-Chan~" he said grinning.

It was nice being with Oikawa. Part of you thought you really did love him.

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