The letter

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You sat in the sun kissed room, lollipop in mouth. Next to you sat Levi and Emmy, who were currently arguing over a random theory. While you on the other hand thought about Aoba Johsai's pretty boy.

You wondered how you got Oikawa. Before all this happened you thought he was just a petty little brat, well you weren't wrong but that's beside the point. Oikawa was a softie deep down and a big nerd for volleyball and aliens, What a weirdo.

The door suddenly flung open and you saw Oikawa rush in, Iwa following after.

"Speak of the devil" you mumbled.

You watched as Oikawa excitingly ran in waving an envelope in the air.

"Whats that?" You asked, watching Oikawa sit down in the chair in front of you, smiling like an idiot.

"I'm happy you asked, Y/n-Chan! But I can't tell you yet because first we have to talk about how cute you look today~!" He stated, now leaning his head on your desk.

He never failed to make you blush. And before you knew it the butterflies started to flutter around in your stomach.

"Just give it here, loser" you said, taking the envelope out of his hands. You looked up at him, asking for permission to open the envelope.

"Do the honers!" He nodded. You proceeded to open the letter that had a fancy stamp on the corner. You gently teared the envelope, and pulled out the letter. "Read it" Oikawa said, trying to hold himself back from looking at the letter.

You read over the letter before mumbling out the last part. "I'm happy to inform you that you have been accepted..."

Everyone in the room went quiet and stared at Oikawa, waiting for his reaction. "Y/n are you lying?" He asked, suddenly going serious mode on us. You shook your head back and fourth, "how could I be lying when I didn't even know what the letter was about" you whispered, loud enough for him to hear.

You watched as Oikawa jumped from his chair. He started pumping his fists in the air and saying stuff like, "I'm a genius!" and "I actually did it!" You suddenly were brought up in the air by the boy. His arms wrapped firmly around your small body, twirling around the classroom.

You soon realized that the university he was accepted to was a four hour bus ride away. Your heart dropped realizing that you weren't gonna see Oikawa everyday. No more goofy smiles, no more stupid conversations or stupid outings. Now it was just study, study, study, so you actually had a chance in getting into the same college of geniuses as him.

Oikawa put you down realizing your unenthusiastic expression. "What's wrong Y/n-Chan?" He asked, brushing a strand of you h/c hair behind your ear. You looked up at his beautiful brown eyes. You shook your head gently.

"Good job, genius"

AN: I know it's quite short but I do plan on posting a little bonus to the happy birthday loser chapter. I want to thank everyone for all the love I've gotten on this story. I didn't plan on this actually becoming a thing I enjoyed doing and look forward to posting but here I am. Anyways I hope I can get some more inspiration for the next chapters. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good rest of your day, love you guys! <3

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