Empty classroom

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They were horrid. But this Monday was worse than the others. Both your friends were sick. Which you were jealous about, while they got to lay in their bed you had to sit in these awful classrooms with people you didn't take a liking to.

You sat in an empty classroom. It was currently lunch and you sat alone with your small console in your hand. The sun came through the windows and onto your body which kept you feeling warm, almost like a big hug.

It was nice being alone once in awhile. The peace and quiet and nothing but you and your calming game that kept you company. But your peace and quiet was interrupted when the door slid open.

You looked up to see a familiar face with a boxed lunch under his arm. He peered in to only see you sitting alone. He quickly realized that this was the wrong room since he didn't see one of his friends.

"Ah, sorry wrong room" he said looking over at you sitting alone.

Oikawa Tooru. The heart throb of Aoba Johsai and most of the high school volleyball world. His brown perfect hair and perfect smile made tons of girls fall for him.

You turned back to your game expecting him to leave, while Oikawa stood staring at you in all your glory. He doesn't recall ever seeing you around school before but here you were sitting in an empty classroom. The sun covered your body and half of the classroom. Your hair tied back into a low bun with a few strands falling on the sides. He was surprised he's never noticed such a beautiful girl.

You quickly turned your head to still see the boy staring at you the door slightly cracked.

"Um, can I help you?" You asked looking at the boy confused.

After realizing he was standing there for too long staring at you he could see how uncomfortable you were.

"Ah, sorry" he started "You were just so cute~ I couldn't stop staring at you!" He said giving you the smile that most girls would fall for.

You scoffed looking back at your game. You heard the door slide indicating that the door was now closed. You expected him to leave but the foot steps approaching your desk said different. You looked up to see Oikawa standing over your shoulder looking down at the game in your hands.
Sorry for any spelling errors or anything. I hope you enjoy the first chapter hopefully I will be able to post daily.

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