You will hurt yourself

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm on your bed side table. You sat up scratching your head before turning on your phone to check any alerts.

6:23 am:
    Emmy- I'm so sorry can't walk to school today, have to finish stuff with debate club. Good luck on your tests. <3

You put your phone down and got ready, showering, packing your bag, eating breakfast, and slipping on your shoes. Before leaving you grabbed the key chain and attached it to your bag.


The next few days were filled with tests, not seeing your friends much. Except for Emmy, getting a bowl of ramen. But apart from that you hadn't talked to anyone. You knew your third year friends were busy with tests, trying to do their best to get into a good college and on top of that practice for nationals. Haru had practice as well, giving you no time to hang out with him.

You decided to stay a little late after school on Thursday to help Emmy with the final touches for the festival. You two ended up staying tell 7 before leaving.

You two passed by the gym, the sounds of shoes and balls being hit still present. You decided to peek in a bit before noticing the familiar boy. Oikawa was still practicing. Serving and serving and serving. Over and over again. You were intrigued on how someone could keep going at something they loved and how much energy he had.

"Shouldn't we tell him to leave it's already seven and we have school tomorrow" you said looking at Emmy who just shrugged. You decided it was best to tell him to stop, or we'll try to. You walked into the gym which smelt like shoes and sweaty boys.

Oikawa turned to face the sound of shoes approaching him. He dropped the ball and turned to face you.

"You need to leave now, we have school tomorrow" you demanded looking your friend in the eyes.

"Aw, Y/n-Chan you care about me that much~" he said playing around. Until he noticed that you were serious.

"One more?" He asked while you shook your head back and fourth.

"I'll help you clean up" you said picking up the ball he dropped.

Oikawa to you was a different species, you've never met anyone like him. He was so happy and playful yet so serious. You admired how serious he was about something he loved and how hard he worked to get better and better. But at the same time you knew it was unhealthy for him. The fact that he worked this hard everyday wasn't good. You knew he knew but he just didn't want to admit and instead he just wanted to keep working.

You two finished cleaning up and walked towards the exit of the gym being greeted by Emmy.

You three walked together until you eventually got separated. Emmy leaving you and oikawa to walk home.

"Why do you stay so late playing volleyball?" You asked looking up at the boy.

"Because I need to get better" he said looking down at you.

"Hajime said you do that everyday, you already are good"

"Not on Monday's or Saturday's" he started "I wanna be the best" he finished.

He was serious.

"Listen, I don't know anything about volleyball. But I do know it's a lot of work. I know you love the sport and everything but working as hard as you are, you are going to hurt yourself"

He was quiet, he knew you were right.

"I mean what if you get a big injury that causes you not to ever play volleyball again, what are you gonna do then?"

"I'm sorry but I can't just stop practicing. Practice makes perfect"

"Nobody's perfect"

You knew how much he loved volleyball from Iwaizumi. Oikawa liked the feeling of being cared for. Especially if you were the one caring for him.

You two approached your house. And you turned to Oikawa.

"Want to come in?" You asked looking at him. A big smile began to appear.

"I didn't take you as a girl to make the first move Y/n-Chan~" he cooed.

"Never mind, I take it back" you said walking towards your front door opening it and looking back at a pouting Oikawa.

"Are you coming or not, Shittykawa"

He smiled jogging towards you.

"I knew you weren't gonna leave me alone!" He said walking in taking his shoes off.

Your mom was on a business trip, leaving only you and your siblings home.

"My sister can give you a ride home when you are ready" you said walking towards your room, Oikawa following like a puppy. You opened your room door to be faced with a dirty room. Oikawa didn't hesitate to feel right at home. Throwing himself on your bed and looking around.

"Won't your boyfriend be mad" he said looking at you while you threw your bad on your desk chair.

"It's not like he has cameras set up to watch my every move"

"You never know" he mumbled under his breath while looking at all the posters on your wall.

"What is the volleyball club doing for the festival" you asked, curious.

"Nothing, sports clubs don't have to do anything" he said while throwing a teddy bear in the air.

"What club are you in?" He asked looking over at you. You tried to start on todays homework.

"I'm not in a club, instead I just deliver things to different classes and clubs. So instead of doing something specific tomorrow I will just walk around helping different clubs"

Oikawa ended up only staying an hour, it was nice to get to know the boy better. You learned that he wasn't as big as a pretty boy everyone talked about. It was fun having a new friend.

But Oikawa's crush for you just got bigger and bigger. The more time he spent with you or just thinking about you fueled his crush. Even though you could be salty sometimes you were sweet like honey. Being around you felt warm. And when he wasn't with you, all he wanted to do was to hear your voice or see you smile. But you were off limits. You had a boyfriend.

He just wanted you to be his.

AN: This chapter was more warm and fluffy than others. Showing you how much you actually matter to Oikawa. But anyways I hope you enjoyed!

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