Childhood lovers

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Oikawa quickly caught up to Yahaba and Watari, tapping Yahaba on the shoulder.

"Oikawa?" He said confused turning to face his third year friend.

Oikawa awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. He's never gone this far to know so much about a girl. He didn't know anything about you, what if you were some rude girl with a stuck up attitude. But that's what made it more exciting for Oikawa.

"Hey, this is gonna sound weird. But..." he trailed off before finishing his sentence "Who is the girl at lunch?" He asked the second year that just looked at him confused before realizing what he meant.

Yahaba knew you and Haru from a few classes you were in together.

"You mean, Y/n?" Yahaba asked looking at the guy in front of him confused. "Y/n L/n, the girl from lunch that sat with Haru Takashi." Yahaba finished looking up at Oikawa before starting again "She's dating Haru Takashi. Yeah I mean she's cute but she's not worth it. Haru is very protective and you won't even get a chance to ask her out." Yahaba said walking off to class with Watari.

Honestly, Oikawa didn't listen to a thing Yahaba had said except for your name. The bell rung indicating that he was late for class. He turned on his heels to walk off to class saying your name over and over in his head. Y/n, y/n, y/n.

You had no idea that you caught the eye of a specific setter. Instead you thought about how you were gonna get a decent score on all the quizzes coming up. You knew you couldn't ask Emmy for help, she was helping set up the debates part of the festival coming up. And Haru was no use he was just like you in a deep hole looking for answers. You put your hands in your pocket looking for a piece of gum to chew on to pass time but instead you found a neatly folded piece of paper. You pulled it out unfolding it carefully, trying to not make noise. The paper had a phone number on it, which reminded you of Iwaizumi, who wrote and gave you the note. You smiled at the thought of him and all the memories you guys used to share. Then it came to you, Iwaizumi passed his second year he can help you pass your classes. You folded the paper up before turning back to pay attention in class.


Sitting in the gym waiting for his best friend to finish practice he felt his phone shake in his pocket. He quickly took it out to see a notification from an unknown number. It's Y/n. Do you by any chance have any time to help me study? The text was simple but it still made the boy smile a little before responding with a thumbs up, he'll try his best.

Oikawa on the other hand noticed how happy his best friend had gotten just by taking out his phone. Oikawa jogged over time try to take a peek at his phone smiling, he didn't know it was you, his beloved Y/n.

"Does Iwa-Chan have a girlfriend~! Let me see! Is she cute-" oikawa was interrupted by a punch to his side from the  dark haired boy.


Iwaizumi remembers first meeting you when you two were little. He even remembers telling oikawa about it because he was so excited to have a friend. But oikawa being oikawa quickly forgot everything about this girl Iwaizumi was so happy about.

"I'm gonna marry her!" Iwaizumi stated looking over at his best friend who stuck his tongue out in disgust.

He had forgotten all about the memory before he saw you in the hallway.   

He missed spending days with you, catching bugs only to scare you with them, sharing a popsicle on hot summers, and faking getting married.

He had no idea his best friend had his eyes set on the same girl. But oikawa wanted you all to himself. Which was selfish of him. He didn't even know you. He didn't know what your favorite color was, what your favorite dress was, how to make you feel better. But Iwaizumi did. His best friend could get any girl he wanted while Iwaizumi sat in the distance waiting for the perfect girl to stumble upon him. He wanted to believed it was you.

But you on the other hand only has your eyes on one boy, Haru. If you were being honest you thought you had loved Haru. Yes, he had his flaws but doesn't everyone. You could see past the flaws and look at how great he was. Though he would talk about other girls with you, you had thought it was normal. He was a guy after all.

But it was Haru.

Haru didn't love you. He was just there for the experience. For the feeling of being loved, the feeling of someone calling you babe and the feeling of holding hands. But that was it. He didn't love you. You were just a character in his story.

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