Blue sky

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It was finally the day you have been waiting for. You rushed out the door to see Emmy waiting for you. You two quickly rushed to school. Once you got there you helped her change into her outfit before sending her off to her club.

Today would be chill since most of the clubs had all the help they could get. So you basically just walked through the halls checking on everybody. You quickly turned around when you heard your name.

"Hey Y/n-Chan can you deliver these to the drama club."

You took the two boxes and tried to get there as quick as possible. Trying to doge everyone in your way.

"Y/n-Chan! Y/n-Chan!" You heard and quickly looked to where the voice was coming from. Oikawa and Iwaizumi quickly made there way towards you, Oikawa taking the second box out of your hands.

"We can help" Iwaizumi said pushing you a little forward telling you to get a move on. They followed you through the halls passing many different faces. You quickly dropped the boxes off and continues walking through the halls waiting for someone to ask for help.

"Why don't you guys have fun and go to different clubs or something? You don't have to stick around and help me. It's boring" you stated looking at the two boys.

"We are having fun with you" Oikawa said smiling.

You hadn't noticed before but a a group of girls followed you three through the halls.


After delivering a few more things you three decided to take a break and sit outside on a bench.

"Iwaizumi-senpai can you help me look for Yahaba?" Watari asked running up to the three of y'all.

Iwaizumi stood up following Watari to help. Leaving you and oikawa alone.

You sighed looking over at him. Your elbows on your knees, your head resting In your hands.

"It's nice to have a chill day" you mumbled  taking the lollipop out of your mouth for a second.

Oikawa sat arms crossed on his chest leaning on the benches back, he looked up at the clouds in the sky. His hair a little frizzier than usual thanks to the weather. The cherry lollipop in between his lips. You decided to look up too, to see what was so interesting.

It was nice to sit with him alone. You felt comfortable with him.

"Would you have said yes to go on a date with me if you weren't dating Haru" oikawa asked still looking up into the blue sky.

"I never thought about it" you started "I would have still said no" you giggled a bit while Oikawa looked at you pouting.

"You are cute when you laugh."

And for the first time you felt you cheeks heat up.

"Are you flustered, Y/n-Chan~" now he was the one laughing "I'll call you cute more often if you will look at me like that" he said now smirking at you.


You came to the conclusion that you would have said yes. Only if you knew Oikawa was like this instead of a pretty fuck boy that would play with girls hearts. if Haru wasn't in your life then you would have thought about it. It felt like you and Haru weren't even dating you never saw him, barely talked to him, or anything. Last time you saw your boyfriend was during lunch the other day. He didn't even send a good luck text on tests days like all your friends had done. Maybe you didn't really like Haru. Maybe you and Haru don't belong together.

But oikawa wasn't the only one who had a crush on you. Iwaizumi still watched you from a distance. He was jealous that his best friend could get any girl and there was no difference with you. He had a feeling that you liked his best friend and he wasn't wrong. But iwaizumi couldn't help his feelings towards you his childhood friend. He loved you. With his whole heart. 

But so did Oikawa.

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