Cheer for me

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The next few days leading up to Friday were all just like that. Oikawa ignoring you, no matter what you did or said.

It was now Friday the day everyone was waiting for. The bell rung indicating school was finally over. You stood up to grab your things and walk over to get Levi and Emmy. Sadly your parents wouldn't let you skip the school day to go and watch the first few games. It was only a thirty minute ride by train to get to the center.

The place was filled with a bunch of teams. All from different places. Looking to your right you saw a familiar color, orange.

"Hey Emmy isn't that Suga's team" you asked nudging Emmy. She turned her head and smiled, nodding quickly.

"Who's suga?" Levi asked peeking his head in between you and Emmy.

"Emmys boyfriend! Let's go say hi!" You said excitedly.

"He's not my boyfriend!"

You ignored her and pulled Levi and Emmy towards the team "Sugaaaaa-Senpai" you said while getting closer to the boy.

"Oh hey guys" He said turning around to face you three "Hey Emmy" you pushed Emmy towards the boy and pulled Levi away letting them be alone.

"Tobio-Chan~" you heard a familiar voice say. You turned your head to see Oikawa running up to a black haired boy in a number nine jersey. He turned around with a face of disgust as he faced his upperclassman. "We are going to smash you in the game! I hope you are ready-" he was cut off from a hit on the head from Iwaizumi. "Leave him alone, Shittykawa" he stated, he looked up and met your eyes and smiled.

"Y/n" he said walking towards you, you heard a small huh and Oikawa looked up to meet your eyes. You quickly felt they heat rush to your cheeks, you watched Oikawa look away and back towards Kageyama. You sighed and looked up at Iwa

"How are y'all doing?" You asked Iwa as he walked up to you and Levi. "We won the past games, about to play Karasuno" you and Levi nodded and Iwa continued "Hes only talking to me when we are on the court" he seemed sad. Oikawa was his bestfriend.

You and Iwa never told anyone about the kiss you two shared so what was oikawa being so salty about. The boys were called to the court since the teams before them had finished their game. You quickly grabbed Levi and Emmy and rushed to the stands to cheer. You remembered Oikawa's words, but only cheer me on, okay~ you laughed remembering that day and how much fun you had with him. Of course you weren't going to only cheer on Oikawa, but you could cheer him on a little extra than everyone else.

You looked to your right to see the group of girls who all came just for Oikawa. You noticed Kira in the group. They all held little blue Pom poms and some were even in a cheer uniform. You left Levi and Emmy for a sec to approach the girls who were all laughing and smiling.

"Excuse me" you said standing there awkwardly.

"Hiiiii Y/n-Senpai!" Kira said excitement radiating off her. All the girls noticed Kira's excitement and assumed you were just another sweet fan girl. They all gave out a happy hi and waved at you.

"Can I join you guys?" You asked giving them a sweet smile. They all seemed excited at the fact that there was another girl who wanted to join them and cheer for their king. They all nodded and Kira gave you some Pom poms and pushed you to the front of the railing with her. You looked over at Levi and Emmy who looked confused but you gave them a small thumbs up.

You felt a small tap on your shoulder and you looked over to see Kira holding some paint in her hands. "Don't worry it's face paint, what numbers do you want on your cheeks?" She asked holding up the blue paint. You noticed the two ones on her cheeks and some other numbers on over girls cheeks. "Umm a one and a four please" you weren't so sure about this and you didn't know how easy it would come off but anything for your boys. She put the numbers on your cheeks and started clapping happily.

"You are so cute Y/n-senpai!"

You gave out a small thank you and everyone turned to see the game starting. Aoba johsai was on the side of the court facing you guys while Karasuno was the closest to you. You made eye contact with Iwa who was looking at you flustered. They continued warming up until the whistle blowed. It was starting. After the captains shook hands, everyone got in place. The whistle blowed and the game started on a good foot, with Aoba Johsai taking the first point.

"Now we cheer!" Kira said happily looking over at you. You nodded and waited for the other girls. You waved your Pom poms in the air and all together you yelled. "Go Oikawa-Senpai~!" It felt weird saying Oikawa-Senpai it made your face warm up.

But from the court the cheer sounded a little different. Oikawa looked up to notice you in the ocean of fan girls. Cheering for him. He noticed the numbers on your cheeks, 1 and 4. He looked over at Iwaizumi who was wearing the number four jersey. Oikawa suddenly became flustered at the fact that you were cheering him on. He frantically shook his head and got back in the game.

This continued on until the game was over. Oikawa's fan girls could actually be sweet they all bonded over the fact that they liked Oikawa you thought it was cute. Once the game ended, Aoba johsai taking the win Kira turned to you with a big smile "Your good at this, you should join cheer!" She said happily. You laughed thinking about you trying cheer. "Haha I don't think so, but thank you for letting me cheer with you. Here you go" you said offering your Pom poms back. She shook her head and made a big x with her arms. "Keep them for next time, Aoba Johsai is fighting Shiratorizawa next! They will need all the help they can get" she was right you had just realized they were fighting Shiratorizawa next. All that practice Oikawa had done and worked so hard for could go to waste. You frowned and thanked the girls before making your way to Emmy and Levi.

"Poor karasuno I really thought they could do it" you heard Emmy say sighing.

"Who's team are you cheering for?!" Levi said before turning to you. He ran up to you and squeezed your cheeks "Look at you Princess, so cute cheering them on. Maybe I'll join the volleyball team" he said jokingly. You laugh and pushed him off of you waiting for your team to come out.

You watched Karasuno walk out with frowns on there faces. "Hey, hey, no need to be sad there's always spring" Daichi stated patting the first years backs. You watched as they walked outside to a nearby fountain.

Then out came your team. The boys were all sweaty and patting each other on the backs "Good job" being thrown around. You saw Iwaizumi and oikawa in the back of the group. They didn't show it but you knew inside they were partying. You watched as Oikawa patted Iwaizumi's back and threw a thumbs up in the air. You were happy to see them happy. Oikawa looked up to meet your eyes. His brown eyes looked as bright as brown eyes could get, so filled with joy. Sweat was dripping from his face and his hair was all messy, he kept brushing his fingers through it. You were nothing compared to him, your hair In two messy braids and the perfect letters all messed up from Levi squeezing your cheeks. But you were perfect in his eyes.

They left after having a meeting. Tomorrow was the day aoba johsai would fight against Shiratorizawa.


ヾ(⁍̴̆◡⁍̴̆。)ノ I don't want to write the next chapter aaahhhh

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