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I sat in class sighing for what seemed to be the hundredth time. College is literally so boring, especially when you haven't a clue of what's going on.

I became distracted as I began day dreaming about him, once again. Ever since Justin left for L.A last week, he is all I can think about but who am I to blame? Aside from his looks, his words are what stuck to me the most. Him going on about love and all that talk about fate was practically branded into my mind.

Surprisingly we've been talking everyday since he left and I'm kind of shocked. I was sure once he got back home, he would become super busy due to work but he apparently makes time for whoever he wants.

"Alright guys well that's a wrap on today's lesson. Remember to study for your exam this upcoming Thursday and if you have any questions don't hesitate to stop by my office or the TA's (teacher's assistant) office. You're dismissed."

I yawned stretching as everyone quickly gathered up their belongings to make it on time for their next class. Luckily, this was my last class for the day so I took my precious time putting all of my notebooks in my backpack.

I waltzed out of the building feeling happy to have gotten done with my day so early

"Um excuse me?" I looked to my left to see a guy, about the same height as me, approaching me very shyly.


"Hi sorry to bother you but are you....Arabella?"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion as to why he was asking.

"Depends on who's asking. Who are you?"

"Oh right sorry my name is Will." He said with a warm smile while extending his hand. I was hesitant but proceeded to shake his hand

"Nice to meet you, can I help you with something?"

"Oh I just wanted to introduce myself, Uh I'm new here and I saw you in class and thought you were really pretty so I just wanted to introduce myself " My cheeks suddenly became heated at the unexpected compliment

"Oh thank you," I smiled shyly at the tall guy in front of me.

"Would you maybe be interested in going for a cup of coffee sometime?"

"That's very kind of you but I'm actually not looking to date right now"

"Oh no worries, we could just be friends"

"Well..... alright then.."

"Cool, I'll see you around?" He asked as he began walking in the opposite direction in which I was walking, with a sly smile.

"Yeah sure" I smiled waving him goodbye.

"Okay..." I muttered to myself as I continued my trip to my car. That was awfully weird but also flattering. It's not everyday that I have someone compliment me so randomly , in fact that was kinda cute of him. He also was pretty cute but definitely not better looking than Justin.

Why did I just compare him to Justin?

I shook my head at my thoughts as I climbed into my car. I was so happy to be done with classes for the day and eager to get to the cafe being that an iced Carmel latte was all I could think about all morning.

I entered the cafe with a bright smile as the smell of coffee beans filled my nose. I loved this place but when I was actually working here...it was a different story

"You may as well work here again, you're here everyday"

"Wow, that's no way to talk to your customer. I'm leaving a negative review on Yelp mister!"

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