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The final chapter



"I don't see you, can you see my hand?" I spoke loudly over the phone as I reached for the sky as high as I could. I probably looked like such a fool doing this in heels but I didn't care, I had to find her!

"Oh oh I see you! I can see you! Turn around!" I quickly whipped around to see her running towards me with the brightest smile I'd ever seen her smile

"Ahhhhhhh bitch!" She screamed as she pulled me into a tight hug. I giggled as I began to hop in excitement

"We did it!" I couldn't believe we finally graduated college. As of today, we were finally graduates of the University of Maryland! Wow how can time fly so fast? Just yesterday Jade was giving me a tour of the campus as I followed closely behind her shy as hell

"Oh shit Bells, I can't believe we bloody did it."

"I know, we finally outta here! Woohoo!!!" I screamed as I stared down at my diploma. All of the restless nights, all of the studying, the boring lectures were finally no more. It's such a bittersweet moment man..

"Cmon I need at least 100 selfies before you leave with your family" Although Jade is an only child, she has a huge family. It's something I've always admired, how her family would show up for her no matter the circumstances. Most of them were still stationed in the UK, where she's originally from hence her thick ass accent, but they always make it there priority to travel down here for her. I love seeing her be surrounded by love from family because that's something I can't experience

"You know you're more than welcome to come with? We're having a dinner party at my parents to celebrate and they always love it when you visit." It was so sweet of her to invite me but being surrounded around her loving family would honestly make me sad. It would remind me how no one is here to show there support on one of the most important days of my life

"I couldn't possibly intrude, don't worry about me I'm probably gonna call Justin the moment I make it home and celebrate with wine over the phone haha"

"I'll save you a plate and swing by your place later?"

"And that's why I love you, cmon" I propped up my phone in the air as we stood close for the picture.

"Oh I'm sorry is that my best friend with the fashion degree?!" In came Jackson loud as ever with the brightest smile

"Jack you came!" I nearly cried. I didn't expect him to show up being that it was the day of his mom's wedding. Although they were anything but close, I assumed he would go anyway just because. I know this day is actually hard for him but he showed up for me anyway. What did I do to deserve such amazing friends?

"Haha of course I came, you've talked about this day for so long" he chuckled as I jumped into his arms pulling him into a bone crushing hug. Mr.K approached us with that billion dollar smile of his "Congratulations B, you too Jade!"

"Thank you"

"Thank you" we replied in unison as him and Jade hugged briefly

"Well I'm gonna go find my family and head out, I'll call you later sister"

"Okay girl bye" she waved eagerly as she jogged in the opposite direction

"Congratulations kiddo , You've always been like a daughter to me and you've made me very proud. I always knew you would succeed" Mr.K stated as he handed me a bouquet of multicolored flowers.

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