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        Apologies for any mistakes!

Justin Bieber

"I'm so happy you decided to stop by..."

"Well that makes one of us" I chuckled nervously as she sat across from me with her arms crossed over her chest and the deadliest stare I have ever encountered in my life. Not an ounce of amusement painted her face as she sighed in annoyance.

"Look I know I'm probably the last person you would like to see right now—"

"Not probably, but absolutely" she scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Right but I need your help"

"Mate, why on earth would I help you? You cheated on her with your ex. You should be happy I haven't set this hotel room on fire with you in it."

"Okay.." I wouldn't say I was scared of this girl but I did suddenly feel a bit sweaty after her statement. "Jade, I never cheated on Bella. You know I would never do that"

"I don't know shit! What I do know is that my best friend is at home drinking her feelings away because of you! You broke her heart Justin. I actually think it's best if you go back home and forget about her. Seeing you here just makes things worse for her"

"I'm sorry but I just can't do that. I love that girl entirely way too much to just leave while things are the way that they are. Seeing her like this crushes me but as selfish as it may sound, I can't leave until I have her again." She sighed shaking her head "Jade, I did not cheat on her."

"Why should I believe you? Men lie on a daily basis.." well I mean she did have a point. She hardly knew me and of my character so it made sense that didn't trust me. I was at a loss for words, I mean all I had was my word. How else could I prove to her that I've been completely committed to Arabella?

"I mean...I...I don't know honestly. You'll just have to trust that I would never hurt her."

"Justin, how could I? You expect me to believe that Bella didn't hear what she heard on that phone call? How could you explain even being in the same house as your ex? You shouldn't even be in contacts with her still, the hell?"

"I know I messed up by even seeing her without B knowing but nothing happened."

"Whatever, you're on your own pop star" she stood up heading for the door before I could even get a word out.

"Wait!" I called out causing her to stop in her tracks. She sighed with her back facing me not even bothering to look at me again. "Jade please, I wouldn't beg you to meet me here if I wasn't so desperate. She's everything to me. I don't know what I'll do if I have to go another day without her."

She turned around staring at me with a blank expression. If she walked out that door, I would lose my only chance to get Bella back. She cut off all communication with me by blocking me on all social media platforms as well as blocking my number. There was no other way I could talk to her. Showing up at her place was obviously not gonna do me any good.

"Please, I'd do anything to get her back and to prove my innocence. I need her.."

Cracking a small smile, she shook her head crossing her arms "Damn my boy you're down bad huh?"

I chuckled running my fingers through my hair suddenly feeling embarrassed. " For her? Hell yeah"

"Fine, what do I need to do?"

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