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Justin Bieber

"Justin what the hell was that?"

In annoyance, a sigh escaped from my lips as we entered the vehicle that was surrounded by screaming fans and flashing lights. I gave a light smile and a friendly wave before entering the vehicle trying to mask my annoyance lm

"What was what?" Thoughts continued to race through my mind as I stared at the messages

Justin💓: having fun with your friends?
Read 4:52 pm

Justin💓: read?🫠
Justin💓: I would rather you yell at me than leave me on read. Love, are you upset about something?

Delivered 4:54 pm

"........and after all of that, you go and do exactly what I say not to do"

"Huh? Y-Yeah my bad" I hadn't heard a single word my manager yelled until now. I had bigger things to worry about such as what could possibly have upset Bella. Things have been going perfectly straight these past couple of days, when did it suddenly go left?

Maybe the whole "I love you" situation was a little too much for her to handle and she just doesn't know how to break the news to me. Damn, how could I be so selfish by telling her something so overwhelming. I'm sure she isn't ready for that but I just couldn't stop myself from telling her how I feel. It's all I can think whenever I lay eyes on her and think about how fortunate I am to even be near her

From the moment I barged into that coffee shop and laid eyes on her, she snuck her way into my mind

"...and all you can say is sorry? I swear Justin if—"

I've never regretted any of my actions more than I do now. This confession of mine has probably scared her away and it's all my fault. Why couldn't I have just been patient enough till she was comfortable to say it? What if she doesn't even want to say it.....

Maybe I just assumed that these feelings that I had for her were being reciprocated but I was wrong....

"Excuse me, could you pull over" with quickness the nice gentleman brought the steady driving to a halt. The chihuahua like barking that was ringing in my ear from my manager was driving me crazy

"Scoot, we can talk about this later, right now, I have to tend to some things"

"Tend to some things? Tend to this Justin because you just caused so much shit that I have to deal with! Because you are so damn hard headed, I have to figure out a way to manage all of the damage you've just caused...once again?!"

"Is that not your job?" My patience was running thin at the moment. Scooter could yell at me anytime he wanted but not now

"Wh—is that not my job.." he scoffed repeating the question

"Scoot look I gotta let you out right here, I really gotta go. You can scold me and do your thing some other time"

"I'm not getting out of the car, we're not even near the office" He exclaimed gesturing towards the windows in such frustration "What in the world is so important that—oh, for fucks sake Justin this better not have anything to do with that groupie"

"What groupie?" I questioned raising my voice a bit. Not only does he, but mostly everyone believes I'm just always sleeping around with some model which is not the case, obviously

"The one that you've been sleeping around with for the past 8 months! The one that was answering the door on your behalf this morning. The one that's gotten you in this shit in the first place"

"She's not a groupie Scooter, she's my girlfriend. So refer to her as such and nothing else."

"Oh please, what are you in love with this one? Justin she's nothing but trouble and she's only after you for one thing, just like the rest. Just like Hailey"

"Don't ever compare her to that woman"

"It's the truth! None of the people you hang around with is bold enough to tell you this so that's why I'm here, as your manager."

"No other woman from my past could even compete with the woman that I have by my side today."

"Yeah? What makes her so different? She listens? She makes you laugh? Blah blah yeah well once upon a time you said the same things about Hailey. Justin you know how easily you fall for these girls. Look I think it's sweet you have a big heart but don't allow everyone to have access to it. She'll just break your heart like Hailey."

"I'm a grown ass man, I'm sure I can handle this on my own." I'm used to Scooter being the uptight asshole that he is but he was really pushing it this time

"Oh you can handle this just like you can handle the news from your ex? Does this new girlfriend of yours even know about the burden you've been granted?"

"Don't even—"

"Ahh so she has no clue that in nine months you will be a father?"

"I seriously don't have time for this, get out Scooter. I'll send a car for you"

"Fine, but you better handle this shit before the media finds out about this"

Ignoring him, I shut the door quickly urging the driver to proceed. There's so much on my mind at the moment but I had one thing to focus on and that was seeing Bella

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