Q+A with the Cast

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Annnd welcome back from the break ladies and gentlemen. We are back with the cast for a few questions live from the audience!

Please welcome to the stage
Jade (The Nation's Bestie),
Jackson (The Nation's Big Brother),
Mona (The Stalker),
Eric (the joke),
Arabella (America's Dream girl)
and Justin Bieber (THEE dream man)

Please welcome to the stage Jade (The Nation's Bestie), Jackson (The Nation's Big Brother), Mona (The Stalker), Eric (the joke), Arabella (America's Dream girl) and Justin Bieber (THEE dream man)

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I know you guys are busy filming season 2 of Fate's Chance So I guess we'll just jump right into yeah?



"Yes Ma'am"

Alright guys and gays let's remain civilized here please

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Alright guys and gays let's remain civilized here please.

Mr.Jackson the audience is just dying to know if you've ever liked Bella in a romantic way and also are you dating anyone?

"Oh my Gosh, um well..."

"I can honestly say that I have never looked at Bella in such a way

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"I can honestly say that I have never looked at Bella in such a way. The thought of that is actually disturbing cause she's always been like a brother to me"


"Excuse me Bella please wait your turn. Anyway so no to that first question and as for the second question...I am not dating anyone exclusively. But who knows maybe I can settle down with one of you guys one day"

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