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I sat next to Justin in the back seat of a black suv. We were currently on the way to Kylie Jenner's house party that Justin had previously told me about. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I can only imagine the amount of people that will be there including celebrities, influencers and the city's "it" girls.

We sat quietly as Justin typed away on his phone and I was conflicted with my thoughts think of what he said to me yesterday on the plane

"Let's be more than friends"

After he said that I kind of brushed it off by laughing and just agreeing to go to the party anyway but I really want to know what he meant by that. I mean I obviously know what that means but Justin obviously is not always on the same page as I am. He's always thinking something completely different.

Maybe he meant best friends? I don't know, I could just ask him but I'm also afraid. Part of me doesn't want to know but It's also killing me.

I wish he could just tell me what he thinks of me because I know what I feel. I was denying it for so long but it's so obvious I have some feelings for him. How could I not? He treats me like a queen and he checks on me every single day which makes me think he feels something too but he's never made a move on me believe it or not.

The most he's done is flirt but I never take that seriously because it's always playful.

I think it's time we talk about what's going on between us.

Then it's settled, after the party I'll just ask him straight up what does he think of me.

"We're here"

"Oh.." I was snapped out of my deep thought as I look around out of the tinted window.

The door was shortly opened and Justin was the first to exit. All I could hear was screams from what sounded like teenage girls. He waved at a few before turning around to me as I stayed seated.

"You coming?" He smiled extending his hand. I took a deep breath before grabbing his hand as he helped me step foot out of the truck. I heard a few gasps as we fought through the crowd, behind his body guards, trying to get the front doors.

"Justin I love you!!"

"Justin look!!"


"Who is she?!"

"Marry me Justin"

I used my free hand to cover my left ear as the loud screams were becoming a bit overwhelming. Of course there was paparazzi everywhere as well and the flashing from the cameras made every thing harder to see but I continued to just look down and allow Justin to lead the way.

"You okay? That was pretty intense even for me" He said after we finally made it inside.

"Yeah but not intense as this" I said completely shocked at the sight before my eyes. There were in fact celebrities everywhere and flashing lights along with bottle girls everywhere. "What's the occasion anyway?"

"What do you mean? It's a Tuesday, that's the occasion. Come on let's go say hi to everyone"

"Wait wait I don't know about this"

"What's wrong? Is it too much?"

I nodded my head hesitantly. I didn't want to seem like a punk but like I said before, I'm such a homebody and I rarely go to parties. I'm still slightly traumatized from the last party I went to at Justin's air bnb.

"There's nothing to worry about. I'm gonna be by your side literally the whole night"

"You said that last time and what happened?"

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