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After all this time of me knowing Justin, which has only been six months, I still can't believe we're friends. I don't know what I have ever done to become this blessed, but I am grateful. The more I sit and think about it, the more unreal this all seems. I really went from a fan to a friend in just a matter of six months.

Aside from his looks, his.....beautiful looks, he genuinely is a great person. He's funny, generous, kind hearted and soooo fine which makes me think, why is he single?

I mean I know he's fresh out of a two year relationship and all but you would think girls would have been waiting for the moment he was back on the market. Besides, he doesn't seem too bothered by the fact that he and his ex broke up anyway. He didn't mope around, cry, play sad rnb love songs or anything. In fact it was as if they broke up and he was like "Okay, moving on." and that was it.

I wonder if he even cared about their relationship because he doesn't seem like it. It's as if she was never in the picture and those two years never happened.

If we were to get into a relationship, would he even care about me? Would he not care if we ever argued or if we woah....what am I thinking right now? What freaking relationship?

I should just stop these thoughts while I'm  ahead or else I'll cause serious damage to myself. This is complete nonsense!

Anyway, being that Justin and I talk every day, day and night, I can't help but think about him all the time. I mean seriously this boy stays on my mind more than anything and anyone.

But that doesn't mean I like him of course. I just get so starstrucked by him at times just like any other person would be if they were in my shoes. I always find myself just staring at him in admiration.

"......and when I got to rehearsal I had practice for like...." like right now for instance. I was currently on the phone with Justin after he'd called me after his long day. He continued to go on and on but I wasn't hearing a word he was saying. ".....uh are you there? Bella?"

"Oh yeah yeah I'm here"

"You good? You've been zoning out a lot lately, you tired?"

"Oh no no I'm fine. I was just deep in thought for a second sorry"

"You're fine, what were you thinking about?"

"Hm? Oh nothing nothing. It sounds like you had a pretty long day"

"Yeah the label has been on my ass about my next album"

"Really? How is it coming along by the way?"

"Don't ask, I've never had writer's block this bad."

"Well try not to stress about it. I'm sure ideas will come flowing in once you stop applying pressure so heavily on yourself. You should go at your own pace ya know?"

"Gosh I wish you were on my label. If only they could understand that "

"Just give me the number and I'll gladly cuss them out for you!"

"Wow you're so romantic at times. Please stop flirting with me"

"Me?! You're the flirt Justin" he proceeded to gasp all dramatically as if I told a lie or something

"I do not flirt"

"Boy please, we can never have a conversation with out you saying something slick at least once"

"Well that's because I'm not used to holding conversations with someone as beautiful as you"


"Oh damn.....it just rolled off my tongue" he laughed

"Exactly it comes naturally for you but I'm used to it by now" I laughed shaking my head

"I miss you" he said catching me off guard.

"I miss you too biebs"

"Hey um I've been doing some thinking...." he said out of the blue.

"You? Thinking? Oh gosh let me sit up for this.."

"Well with you having a lot more free time and officially being done with school for the semester, I was thinking it's about time we see each other again. Last time we had so much fun"

"Yeah except last time we were in the same city and state. You're like hundreds of miles alway Justin," I chuckled "I don't think we can link any time soon"

" I actually was thinking you could come to my city this time. I mean there's so many things to do here in LA. I can show you around my part of town, we could hit up some clubs and we can even catch dinner at some nice restaurants I know since you love food"

"As amazing as that sounds, I'm gonna have to pass" I said regrettably.

"What? Why?" He began whining like the child he is

"Justin do you know how much that plane ticket will cost? I mean I would have to buy tickets to and from LA. I also would have to stay at a hotel and figure out my transportation—"

"Bella don't be silly, I can send one of my private jets to you and you could stay at my place. As for transportation, I got about seven cars you can choose from depending on how you're feeling each day."

I began to open my mouth to object but nothing came to mind. What he said was in fact true. I was done with school for the semester and being that I was without a job, I had more than enough time on my hands.

In fact I've been stressed with the amount of time on my hands. I've been moping around bored to death trying to figure out my passion and what to do with my life now that I've quit my job. Maybe this could be a stress reliever of mine.

"Think of it as a vacation. Yeah?"

"You know I usually don't make impulsive decisions but hey who cares. Yeah I'm down."


"Yeah, I mean it's been a while since I've been in LA and I do in fact miss the street food so it sounds like a plan"

"Alright that's what I'm talking about! What are you doing right this second?"

I furrowed my eyebrows while looking side to side in confusion "uh....laying down in bed?"

"Well if I were you I would start packing because the jet comes at around 8am tomorrow morning."

"What?!" I screeched sitting up completely "what? Did you have this planned already or something?'"

"Yeah I did. I was praying you'd agree or I would've been embarrassed like shit. Well I'll let you go now, you have alot to do. Goodnight love, see you in the morning"

"Justin—" and before I could even begin to cuss him out, he hung up. Snatching the phone off of my ear, I looked at the time which read 12:26 am.

12:26 am ?! This man is crazy!

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