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What's your all time favorite song by Justin Bieber?


Justin Bieber

"Okay great performance, we need to head to Kiss FM radio now for an interview"

I sighed as I followed behind my manager as people connected makeup bushes to my face touching up my flaws and such. Something was definitely off with Bella this morning but what could have possibly happened?

Did she have a bad dream? Woke up to a bad text? Did I do something?

No matter how hard I tried convincing myself that I was just overthinking, I knew she was upset about something. She wouldn't say much but the dullness in her eyes said it all

"...and you just need to talk about the album only. If they mention last night, remember what we trained you to say and dodge the question. Remember to always redirect the question to the album if it gets to personal, got it?"

"Yeah yeah I got it"

Within about thirty minutes, after non stop rushing and rehearsing my responses in the car, I found my self seated at the Kiss Fm radio station of Los Angelas. This was a pretty popular station for artists such as myself so I'm more than happy to be here

"Welcome back to Kiss Fm radio, I'm your friendly neighbor and host Zach Sang and we are back with the young legend in the making, Justin Bieber"

I chuckled into the mic hearing the automated round of applause he'd cued along with some alerting horns.

"Hello Hello, what's up everyone "

"Wow man first let me just say how happy we are to have you here. I mean.. I know how busy you are and the album just dropped this morning! Let's get some hand claps for that come on"

People standing within the room began to clap and cheer as well which caused me to smile

"Yes sir, thanks so much"

"So let's get straight into so I've heard the album, I even played a song or two here on Kiss Fm for the listeners and I gotta say man, this album is a solid 10"

"Wow thank you"

"Yeah I mean the transition from an emotional heartbreak to a broken heart that was slowly but gradually pieced back together, was just so incredible to hear, how was that for you? I imagine not easy"

"Oh no no not easy at all" I chuckled, if only they knew half of the shit I had to go through "Actually I think having to relive my past heartbreaks in order to write, was a lot harder than actually experiencing those past emotions"

"Wow really? Explain, why'd you say that?"

"Well healing from a toxic relationship is one thing but having to think about what it was like before you even began to heal is another, if that makes sense haha"

"Yeah no, I totally get it. I'm sure thinking about what all you went through during that time was not easy but look what came out of that? You got 7 songs on the top 10 billboard charts. Ladies and gentlemen if you didn't hear that Justin Bieber owns 7 spots on the top ten!!"

"I know man it is crazy! Writing is already therapeutic for me so getting the number one spot is just like the icing on the cake". Thank you so much to everyone who is listening, I seriously appreciate it" I couldn't resist the bright smile on my face

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