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"So you're telling me that not only do you know Justin Bieber....... but you slept with him too?" I nod my head yes in confirmation for what seemed like the hundredth time.He laughed obviously not believing me.

"Jackson stop being such an asshole. Why can't you be serious for one second?" I was getting aggravated by the second as he found everything I just told him, amusing.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I just—" he continued laughing.

"See this is why I haven't told anyone because I knew no one would believe me"

"Bella you can't be serious. Do you honestly think I could believe you met him and on top of that had a one night stand with him? What is this, some kind of fantasy of yours?"

I rolled my eyes.

"All of a sudden I'm tired and I don't wanna see your stupid face anymore. Get out."

"Aww come on Bella. I'll entertain your wild dreams. Even if they are unrealistic."

"Bye bye"

"Fine I'll leave you with your fantasies. I actually have some where to be anyway" He said standing up from the couch. I watched as he put his leather jacket on and grabbed his keys.

"Who's day is it today? Gina's?"

"Haha very funny." He replied walking to my front door as I watched from the couch. "Actually it was yours" He winked back at me as he opened the door.

I gasped grabbing the nearest pillow and throwing it at him with all of my might.

"Get out you perverted pig!"

"Haha bye sweetheart."

I shook my head in disapproval after hearing the door shut.

Well that definitely didn't go as planned.

I called Jackson over so I could get what happened, off of my mind somehow but I should have known he wouldn't believe me. I mean who would? Hell I don't even believe it.  But actually seeing him laugh in my face just confirmed my biggest fear with all of this. Not one of my friends believing me and thinking I'm crazy.

It's been a week since the incident with Justin and I haven't stopped thinking about it. It was such a bizarre that, even a week later, I still can't believe that happened. This was someone I've looked up to for most of my life and boom. Not only did I just happen to meet him at my work place but I have a one night stand with him? Is this real? Now I'm not even sure.

I sighed laying back on the couch and unlocking my phone. I was so bored out of my mind which was another reason why I had Jackson come over. Although he gets on my nerves every chance he gets, he's great company. I'm so used to being occupied with something at all times that would keep my mind busy but today I wasn't.

Mr.Kim sent me a message saying that I didn't have to come in today or tomorrow and I was more than happy. I needed this little break so bad.  Although, I was actually worried at first because I hardly ever get a day off but then I remembered what Jackson told me.

Mr.Kim's ex wife is getting remarried soon. It's obvious he is using work to keep his mind off of it so I will just let him be for now. I'll head up there sometime tomorrow on my day off just to make sure he's alright without my help.

In the meantime,I started going through the settings and applications on the phone discovering, all it was capable of. I think I am finally getting the hang of it. At first it was difficult but after watching several YouTube videos, I think I can work it properly

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