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I sighed dropping my shoulders at the sight of him. I was still so pissed at him and just the sight of him made me want to cuss him out.

"Bella..." He said standing. "Where have you been? I've been worried sick about you."

"Boy, No you haven't"

"What do you mean of course I have." His eyes furrowed being offended by what I said

"Jackson." I started "Man I don't know why you even bothered showing up. You said all you had to say five days ago."

"Bella come on, let's talk—"

"Don't even worry about it. I'm over it." I said slightly pushing him from my front door and unlocking it. I waltzed in attempting to slam the door behind me but his strong ass stopped it and made his way inside

"Did I say you could come in?" I said kicking my shoes off and turning around to face him.

"Bella we gotta talk about this."

"We ain't gotta talk about shit" Raising my voice a little with my statement, he sighed running his fingers through his hair. "How could you treat me like I was one of yo hoes?!"

"I didn't.....and I would never disrespect you like that, like come on you know this already."

"You already did! While your little bitch on a leash was calling me out of my name and disrespecting me not only did you not tell her to chill the fuck out but you also asked me to leave. How is that not disrespecting me?"

"Look I'm sorry I didn't know what to do. I was just stuck in the middle and didn't know which side to choose."

"Do you not see the fucking problem with that?! There's a difference between me and her! She's just one of the many bitches that you fuck around with at night but I'm the one that's there for you in the day time when you're sober. I'm you're best friend."

"Can you stop yelling at me?"

"No because if I don't raise my voice you won't seem to understand my frustration."

"Look I hear you I just don't understand why you're so pressed. I had a date that I totally forgot about so I asked you to leave, big deal?"

I chuckled dryly not believing what I was hearing. Where is Jackson Kim because this can't be him. This asshole in front of me can not be my best friend.

"Do you even hear yourself? First of all you're downplaying what the situation actually was—-you know what lemme say it in another way for you. What would you do or how would you feel if we was chilling here right? Then all of a sudden some random nigga I been fucking around with, came and started calling you a bitch nigga and yelling at you and instead of defending you, I tried to calm him and then proceeded to ask you to leave just for the sake of his comfort. Hm? Tell me how would you feel"

He remained quiet looking at the ground shaking his head.

"Bella you taking it too far. I said sorry, I apologized so what more do you want from me? It's not my fault you're taking this so personally. You act like you've never blew me off for one of you're friends."

"Oh please, I never let them disrespect you though."

"I don't understand why you're so pressed. She called you a bitch ok so what? You know you're not one so what's the problem."

"Man you know what, I'm done." I said walking into my kitchen. I rolled my eyes hearing him follow right behind me almost immediately.

"No you're not. We're best friends and we have our ups and downs just like any other friendship would have."

"Nah not this one. I'm done with you. I'm not feeling you no more after you pulled that clown ass shit so please delete my number. We're no longer friends, we're not buddies and we damn sure not besties."

His eyes widened at my words.

"What? Arabella don't say shit you don't mean."

"Jackson you of all people should know I always mean what I say."

"Okay look I'm sorry I really am. Let's not do this."

"Too late for that. It's already done."

"I can't believe you're breaking up our friendship because of some hoe."

"Some hoe that you gave power to. You the one that hyped her up by telling me to leave and trying to please her. But it's all good."

"Bella for real, stop" His eyes began to grow watery. Not gonna lie, seeing him like that did hurt my heart but he did this to himself. Jackson hardly ever cried so seeing this was torture.

" Go be with her and be besties or some shit. I'm over this."

"Bella no I'm sorry. I mean it."

"Get out Jack."

"Can you just hear me out? I'm sorry Arabella. You're making this way more dramatic than it has to be. Think about it, you know how tight you and I are. We're like family and you're cutting me off because I asked you to go home? That's so not called for. It's so unnecessary. Why would you even say that to me knowing that you and appa (dad) are the only ones I have in my life. You're the only other person I could rely on bells."

I sighed taking a deep breath before speaking again. I wanted to calm myself down before repeating myself.

"I understand that.  You're right we are like family and you can always rely on me. But for the meantime I do not want to speak to you. I don't even want to see you. You pissed me off way above the max and quite frankly I could honestly say I have never been so disappointed in you. You say we're tight and all that but by you disrespecting me like that the other night, made me feel otherwise. I felt disrespected, I felt hurt but most of all I felt embarrassed. Who could I go to? It sure as hell wasnt you." I sighed "This is what you're not understanding and the point you're missing for some odd reason, by you disrespecting me by just that little situation,  I know for a fact you would disrespect in ANY situation—-"

"No I wouldn't!"

"And you know how I know? You showed me that night that you wouldn't even think twice about my feelings if a non factor was to show up and disrespect me right in front of your face. So yes it is a big deal to me. Your actions showed me everything that I needed to know about how much you really valued this friendship."

He hung his head low trying to hide the fact that he was crying but his sniffles made it obvious.

"But you have no idea how much I value this friendship. You mean the world to me Bella." He looked at my showing his red flushed face. "So this is how it's gonna be? You're gonna walk out on me too after I opened up to you? Just like my mother?"

"No that's not even -J-Just leave. I don't wanna speak to you for a while, for real bro. I wish you the best and I hope you can self reflect. Sure I may be overreacting but once you put yourself in my shoes, I hope you'll understand."

"Fine. Be that way." He said before leaving out and slamming my door right behind him as if he paid any bills in this bitch.

That line about his mother hurt the most. I can't believe he compared me to his mother. Better yet I can't believe he tried to flip this all around on me and make himself the victim. That's so messed up.

I plopped down on my bed before taking my hair out of its ponytail. I sighed feeling so stressed out. Jackson out of nowhere has become a jerk and I don't know what's gotten into him. I couldn't believe half the stuff he was saying, was actually coming from out of his mouth.  And the fact that he said some of that stuff with his whole chest? Why was everything I said going in one ear and straight out the other?

On top of this dramatic mess, my name is still in everyone's mouth, I have several bills to pay by next week and my grades are starting to slip.


I hate men.

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