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"What did y'all talk about?"

"Nothing important, if he bothers you again just let me know and I'll handle it"

Oh? Well alright then daddy..."Yeah I'm sure you can make any man shake in his boots while being across the world leaving me all alone" I sighed pouting for the umpteenth time. After a long day out and about, we finally made it back to my place to enjoy each others presence before he leaves tomorrow. The psycho in me thought of getting a pair of handcuffs and cuffing him to my bed so that he could never leave me but.....actually ......what is stopping me?

"Ouch, Maybe now's a good time to revisit that conversation we were having earlier before we were rudely interrupted by your stalker"

"Not stalker" I laughed at his insult towards my ex. Although I laughed, I completely agreed with the term "stalker". That asshole has literally followed me from California just to torment me. I actually don't even feel safe in my home anymore. What if he finds out where I live? My neighbor is already giving me the creeps, I don't need a stupid ex to add to that "Speaking of him though-"

Knock Knock Knock

"You expecting someone?"

"No, not ever. Answer it for me?"

"But this isn't my—"

"Ah ah ahh.." I interrupted shaking my index finger left and right "Remember what you said? What's mine is yours"

"Oh please, you're just too lazy to get up" I shot my head up from his chest as he remained laying.

"No fair! That is....absolutely true. Now chop chop"

"Okay but when people finally find out that I'm in your apartment—-"

"Ugh fine! Damn it" I groaned standing from my comfortable position "It's not like you've been hiding anyway......impulsive ass..." I muttered under my breath as I exited the room

"What was that my love!?"

"Oh nothing stinka butt!" I shouted back before answering the door

"Hi Arabella..."

"What ..... how'd you get here?"

"...I flew down here and arrived this morning..." My eyes wandered behind him searching for his wife "I'm here alone, your mother is back home"

"Dad....what do you want?"

"I want my daughter back...."

"Dad.....I don't have time for this" I sighed closing my door until he stopped me

"Arabella please talk to me...I know we haven't spoken since the day you visited but I really just want to talk. I refuse to leave until you talk to your father"

There couldn't have been a worse time for this mess. Justin was right in the back and I just wanted to relax with him before it was too late. I didn't have time to drown in tears and scream to the top of my lungs because I know that's exactly how this night will end if I let him in.

"Sorry, I'm done talking"

"Wait Arabella wai—"

With all of my strength, I slammed the door and immediately locked it right after.
Staring at the shut door, I began to cry just at the thought of seeing my father again

"Honey who was at the door?" I buried my face in my hands embarrassed that this was happening in front of him "What's wrong love why are you crying?"

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