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I quickly dried my face of any tears by the sleeves of my robe as I heard Jackson's voice booming down the hall

"What the hell id he doing here?"

"Bella who is this?"

Both stared at me in confusion clearly wanting some answers. I'm sure Jackson was just trying to be a good friend and check up on me but boy did he choose a horrible time. He's made it quite clear that he isn't necessarily Justin's biggest fan so I'm sure this isn't going to end well

Especially since Jackson has a very very disrespectful mouth when he's upset and Justin....well we've seen how Justin gets when another guy is involved that he sees as a threat.

"Um" I sniffed still trying to calm myself down from the meltdown I was just having not even 5 minutes ago. I also was trying to process in my mind what Justin just said regarding his unborn child but I guess I would have to think about that later. "JackJack what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, of course" he walked over to me pulling me in to his side for a hug with his eyes never leaving Justin's. At least that's what I think. His eyes hid behind his blacked out shades. "Wanna explain why this clown is in your crib?" He questioned tossing his keys on the coffee table and pointing at Justin.

Justin's facial expression immediately transformed into one I've never seen.

"Clown? Sweetheart, for real who is this wannabe?"

"Bella I know you did not give this asshole another chance after what he did to you? Why is he standing in your living room right now and not screwing his hoes back in LA?"

"The fuck you say? Bro, careful with your choice of words dickhead" he said firmly standing up from his seat clenching his jaws. I hate my own thoughts sometimes but I couldn't help but think how attractive Justin looks when he's pissed

"Ayo shut the fuck up before I slap you like the punk ass bitch that you are"

"Literally no one is stopping you. Come over here and try that shit ." He urged calmly stepping closer

"Woah woah okay wait. Please, can y'all just calm down for a second" I figured I'd step in before it gets too ugly. I'm a lady and one thing I do not, do is break up fights. Especially a fight between men! "Justin, this is Jackson, my close friend. Jackson ....well you know who he is."

"Oh do I?" He smiled rubbing his chin. Oh gosh, Jack is going to choose violence "Who doesn't know the pussy that had the audacity to cheat on the one real thing in his fake ass life? While you are out posing for cameras, she's been home crying her eyes out because of your actions."

"Why don't you mind your fucking business? What's going on between me and MY girl, has nothing to do with you. Close friend or not, I'll whoop your ass"

"Oh please pretty boys like you love to sue for shit like this instead of handling it like a real man. Come outside with that energy!"

"Say less."

"STOP!"" I screamed to the top of my lungs practically begging for their attention. The tension in this room was uncomfortably thick " I'm not in the right mental state to deal with this Justin. I'm sorry but I can't do this right now..."

He sighed "can we just talk for a second?"

"I'm sure you've done enough talking. She clearly doesn't want to deal with your shit right now so why don't you see your way out"

"Dude I swear to—-"

"Justin please, we can talk when the time is right ."

He stared at me defeated before nodding his head accepting the fact that I wasn't going to communicate with him any time soon

"Okay.... Just call me when you're ready. I leave Maryland until we talk"

And with that he dismissed himself being sure to bump Jack's shoulder along the way.

"Yo is that really the type of guys that you like?"

"Jackson please, I've had enough for the night"

"What was he doing here? Does he not have a life in Hollywood to worry about?"

"Why do you think? He was trying to explain himself but honestly it just made everything worse"

"What was said?" He asked sliding his shades to the top of his head as a took a seat.

"It doesn't matter, he's gone now" I wanted to just stop speaking about the situation. The dramatics were just too much for me and I honestly I wanted nothing more than to drink my worries away. I know, it's a horrible habit to develop but I couldn't stand to be reminded of Justin's little confession

"We is both know he'll be back....you alright?"

"No but I will be once I clear my head. Any parties happening tonight?"

"Bella partying is not always the answer to your problems neither is drinking."

"I didn't say anything about drink—" his face quickly interrupted my lie as it was clear that he didn't believe me for one second "Fine I won't go out but I'm definitely having a glass of wine, you want one?"

"No what I want is for you to tell me what you're feeling"

I sighed rolling my eyes as I stood and headed for the kitchen. "I don't want to talk about my feelings Jackson. I'm literally so tired of crying and shit. This is ruining my thug image" I chuckled popping the cork out of my favorite red wine. I grabbed the biggest glass that I owned and quickly filled her up to the brim

"We're not having this argument again. You're not a thug. Anyway I just want to make sure you are not keeping your thoughts trapped in your head. Having all of that up there can really drive you crazy so if you want to talk about it, I'm willing to listen to you."

"I appreciate at you, but I'm done talking about it for now. I'm actually pretty tired so I'm just gonna have this glass and head for bed. I have an 8 am lecture in the morning so..."

"Geez you don't have to kick me out."

"It's not like that" it's exactly like that. I love my bestie and I truly appreciate how he cares about me and what I feel but I was more than anxious to have my apartment to myself again. The only company I wanted right now was me myself and this wine

"It's fine" he laughed "I know when your social battery runs out and how much you love being alone. I'm glad to see you're alive so I'll leave, come by the cafe tomorrow after classes? Lattes on me"

"I'll definitely be there, thank you so much for checking on me. I don't know what I would do if it weren't for you and Jade"

"That's what we're here for, later stupid"

"Goodbye asshole" I waved as I shut the door after his dismissal.

I sighed hearing silence fill the atmosphere. "Thank God"

Did that jerk really say that he's having a baby with his ex? I thought to myself as I gulped the last bit of wine and grabbed the bottle to take to my bedroom. I was gonna need a few more bottles to get me through the night

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