Chapter 8 First Contact

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George took a deep breath and wrinkled he's nose, for he could smell death, he could smell Vampire, he ran in the direction of the smell as fast as he could, and that was pretty fast, as the animal within him took charge. The Angel Darius watched George as he ran, with an almost paternalistic, calm but satisfactory smile on his face as he faded into nothingness.

At the Alford cemetery where the smell of death was at its strongest, George landed on the retaining wall of weathered granite that circled the graveyard, crouching ready to leap. He scanned the cemetery using the full range of his sight and smell to pinpoint the scent of death and isolate it from that of decay, associated with a graveyard. The smell was strong and locating the Vampires did not take long, he sighted two, a male and female, George jumped with purpose from the wall travelling through the air at least 20ft landing and growling, disturbing the ground mist that had settled around the head stones. He attracted the attention of the Vampires, and their day time guardians the Witches. They turned to face him, the male Vampire was a well-built man dressed all in black with a purple cape worn over his shoulders, he looked about 25 years old, but as a Vampire he could well have been a good deal older, he had dark blond greasy looking hair and the dark rings around his black eyes with their blood red sclera, were compounded by his powder white complexion. Even though the male clearly looked surprised at seeing him, he still advanced toward George trying to look ominous. The Witch guardian of the male Vampire an older looking woman George reckoned she was possibly in her thirties in a full length purple Velvet gown.

She exuded both confidence and power as she too advanced and as she reached him she cast a spell in an attempt to put George down this was clearly in vain, in a single swipe, all be it casual the Witch was launched into the sky and was knocked out against a head stone. The male Vampire advanced at this with more determination, bearing his fangs and hissing, George took a leap at the Vampire, his jaws open fully roaring and in a single move George held the Vampire by the neck in his mouth, never taking his gaze from the female, who concealed in shadows appeared frozen in fear, the hiss turned into a scream. Again, the Vampire started to gasp for breath cracks began to appear over his face, George dropped the gasping Vampire from his jaws and watched as light streamed from the fractures George had made. More appeared then he exploded in a cloud of dust screaming all the while. As the Vampire expired the Witch, who had just come too after being knocked unconscious, looked on in shock, and said "oh bugger" and vanished out of existence with an audible pop.

George then turned growling to face the female Vampire, and once again the Witch that was her daylight guardian stepped forward to protect the she Vampire, "My mistress is new, and no dog will snuff her out." The young warm strawberry red haired, vivid green-eyed Witch stated venomously standing in a defensive stance, "BARRIER LIGHT" she screamed with a flamboyant flare waving her hands. A shimmering sheet of light appeared acting like a wall, the light seemed to George to have a slight purple hue to it, and it did indeed this time keep him at bay, acting like an invisible shield. As he pushed against the invisible barrier, the she Vampire began to advance, fangs out and hissing. Upon really seeing her, George's eyes widened, and he began to whimper quietly.

"YOU HAVE HIM NOW MY MISTRESS, NOW STRIKE AND MAKE YOUR FIRST KILL" shouted the Witch. George looked from side to side, as if searching for something or an escape route "it cannot be" he thought. then turned and ran. "well" said the Witch looking where the werewolf had been & then at the female a little confused, "You didn't make a kill, and your attack seemed to yield no real results, but just now our aim is your survival, and that my mistress we have done!" said the Witch looking toward the sky, then to where George had been. "what now? The female Vampire said confused "the dawn approaches, so do not fret we will complete your rebirth tomorrow night, there is a crypt here, you should retreat to its safety" replied the Witch. "I will keep watch over you till night returns" she added.

Another male Vampire advanced at this blood dripping from his lips having just fed, he was dark haired with snow white skin, dark red rings around his blood red eyes, but never the less hansom and strong looking. "So" said the Vampire in a voice of velvet with Germanic under tones "has my dark flower bloomed?" he asked, brushing the female Vampire's cheek softly with the back of his hand. "And what of Lithco?" he added almost whispering the question. "is he elsewhere hunting? " He added "no my lord" replied the young Witch who's beauty had not gone unnoticed by the tall dark Vampire, bowing her head as she spoke. Drakon for that was his name, rounded on the young Witch menacingly, put his long-nailed hand around her throat and lifted her from the ground. "EXPLAIN" he demanded venomously. Drakon was known amongst the Vampire community as the father of all Vampires, and as such saw all Vampires as his children.

The young Witch tried to speak but couldn't, as his grip prevented her, she put both her hands on his wrists in an effort to support herself, and her eyes pleaded with him to release her. Then his Witch stepped forward and placed her hand calmly, on his forearm. He looked down at her, with little or no emotion but in that instant, they appeared to be having a wordless conversation and then he threw the other Witch aside like a rag doll, the girl rubbed her neck taking in great gasps of air as she spoke quickly.

"A Werewolf my lord" she coughed "a Werewolf came and knocked Saffron out and killed Lithco, but I managed to hold it off and my mistress, was ready to attack but then it ran." she spluttered. "Well it would appear you are not without your uses girl, see to it that we are not awakened Cassandra" he said to his Witch, taking the female

by the hand and leading her majestically into the tomb.

"Yes, my master" said Cassandra as she went to the aid of the other Witch, she with her long black hair and shocking blood red gown flowing in the breeze at dusk her muted green eyes looking concerned at the other Witch.

"Shame about Lithco he was a good lieutenant" Drakon added almost dismissively, as they went in to the crypt and the door closed them in to the, grey granite single story building with ornate gothic carvings surrounding the door. It was the only crypt in the small graveyard and was soon shrouded as the early ground mist became a morning fog.

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