Chapter 18 Finale

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George had seen this Vampire before and recognised him, for it was this Vampire that was responsible for sireing Ruby and in turn the reason for George becoming a Werewolf. So as a consequence, George was wearing metaphoric blinkers and Drakon became his one and only target. And the one he blamed for all that had happened, George let out the almightiest roar, other Vampires leapt to attack George to no avail. As they went for George, he slashed at them turning them to ash Witches cast futile spells at him with no affect & then came the screams of several vanishing witches puncturing the battle sounds. George advanced on Drakon only this time Drakon was ready and it was George who this time met with some unexpected resistance. Drakon struck George in the chest with his open hand, and as this happened, it was not what George expected, he let out a yelp of pain and growled at Drakon as if to say, "Didn't hurt" or "Is that all you got" he snarled. It cast a spray not of blood but of brilliant light as he opened up a deep wound. This didn't bother George at all, as snarling at Drakon, who momentarily had to shield his eyes from its brightness and baring his sharp teeth, he returned the swipe, turning Drakon's white shirt a deep shade of red Drakon hissed his defiance. The smell of blood, all be it the blood of the dead rejuvenated George, giving him a new-found strength to leap forward at Drakon, Drakon saw this and knocked George down again with a punch, and as George went down Drakon was on him in a flash, pinning George's shoulders with his knees "I TOLD YOU PUP" Drakon spat again as he straddled George ready to strike "YOU ARE OUT OF MY LEAGUE BOY" Drakon gloated. For the briefest of moments as Drakon sat astride him, George really thought he had lost, he had never met such a single-minded monster, he thought of Ruby and how they had met.

("and this is my son George, he works with me on the farm, he'll be bringing you the Cows" Harris finished showing his hand in George's direction "hell miss" said George awkwardly, transfixed by her and her beauty.) these where the thoughts that gave George the inspiration he needed. (Oh my darling Ruby, once again I have failed you please forgive me.) He thought as he leapt forward and up seizing Drakon by the neck and bit down as he landed on his feet. The snap and plop could clearly be heard as a surprised looking Drakon's head rolled to the feet of Cassandra his Witch and looked up at her in shock. As Drakon's head came to rest cracks and fishers began to appear all over it and his body a blinding light expelled from them, firstly his body exploded into dust and then his head. "Oh, my lord, my love " Cassandra cried a look of shocked disappointment on her face, she was however supremely confident that she would not vanish from this plain, but panic enveloped, and she shut her eyes tight just before she winked out of existence.

A general air of surprise took hold as both Vampires and Werewolves felt sure, Drakon would defeat George, he stood breathing heavily, looking around rage still within him more Witches and Vampires shrunk back into the shadows as he turned to them. Those Vampires that didn't run broke off the fight with the other Werewolves and jumped on George. They stood no chance as growling and snarling he struck down each Vampire with immense power, and ferociousness, and as each Vampire was cracking up, light pouring from every fissure that appeared on their exposed skin and exploded into dust their respective day light protector Witches screamed and vanished. when this happened, the Werewolves, with some reservations turned and pounced on to George and there was a mass of growling and snarling, however no Werewolves fell in George's wake as he put up no resistance, in-fact George seemed spent, he let out another blood curdling howl and abruptly fell silent. All the attacking Werewolves stood up slowly and looked down with an air of respectful sorrow, and then all let out an enormous howl as on the ground lay the bloody and naked dead body of the farm boy George.

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