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I walked out of school with Miguel, we talked about karate, i told him about how i'd been doing it since i was very young, we walked to what he told me was his dojo.

Cobra kai 

oh shit. What have i gotten myself into? If Daniel found out, if he found out i ever set foot near here, he'd kill me. Literally. I'm not ready to die just yet. But, nevertheless, i walked into the dojo with Miguel.

"Ah Diaz! I see you've brought a student with you" A blonde haired man smiled, "shoes off and let's get started!"

"Actually, sensai" maybe this was the wrong thing to say, calling him sensai, Daniel is going to kill me, "i'm just here to watch"

"I knew girls would never do karate, they don't want to hurt their faces" The blonde man laughed, "anyways kid, my name is Johnny Lawrence, yours?"

"Olivia, Olivia Gunn"

"Well Miss Gunn, if you're only here to watch, you may aswell make yourself useful, i have a few mats over there that need cleaning"

"Good for you" i grinned.

"I like you, you have a fight in you, a true cobra"

I internally shivered at his words, the only thing i could think about is if Daniel knew about this, I'd be disowned. I got a text.

Unknown number  

Hey, it's Eli from school!
Oh cool! Hi!

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