9- popularity

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Today i was going to a party; the party was going to have all the popular people there, I planned to just sit in the back and wait but that would be practically impossible.

"Olivia! Are you ready?" My Mum called from downstairs.

I shoved all my things into a handbag and shouted back, "Yes I'll be down in a second"

I had a message from Miguel, a missed call from Eli and a message from Demetri. They could wait, I ran downstairs, picked up a bottle of water and raced my brother to the car. "Don't come home from this party pregnant!" My Dad laughed looking at me through the mirror on the windscreen.

"Ew gross, it's not that type of party, I will probably just be with Sam anyways" I fake laughed back at him, I hate him so much.

The car ride was practically silent on the way to Sam's, my Dad dropped me outside and I ran in giving Sam a hug and taking my swimsuit cover dress off, "You look gorgeous!" she smiled.

The compliment really boosted my confidence, "Thankyou so much"

"Oh my god Liv! You look totally hot!" Yasmine grinned at me walking over, then she gave me a hug.

What world was i living in? Yasmine just gave me a hug.

A girl called Moon walked out from the house and ran over aswell, "You're so pretty Liv! Everyone is really pretty!" She complimented us all.

At this point we were all hugging and i felt really confident now, but then the boys came, I was laid on a lounger talking to moon when they arrived, We were talking about all the hot boys in our school, that's when i got another message. This one was from Eli.

Eli x
Are you okay? No one has been able to get in touch with you all day

Yeah i'm fine, just busy studying
at home x

Text me when you're done, don't want to disturb you

Okay x

With that, I got back to the party, I had to lie to Eli, I was scared he'd get upset if he knew I was hanging around with the people who bullied him, I was brought out of my trance when a boy called Kyler had arrived and all the boys started shouting.

I heard them talking about me while I went to get another drink, it was things like "yeah she's hot for a nerd" or "she could do better than them three twerps"

Then I heard one that made me feel extremely uncomfortable, "I'd definitely dick her down, you'd be stupid not to"

I grabbed my drink and went back to the lounger I was laid on next to moon, "Have u heard? The boys think you're hot!" She gushed excitedly

I smiled, "Yes i have, they aren't really my type though"

"Ooo who is?"



Why is my brain telling me that, he's just a friend.

"Livvvvv, is there someone you like? That Miguel kid is cute isn't he"

"No it's none of them, i don't really have a type, if i did it definitely wouldn't be high school jerk" i laughed.

"I see what you mean, they're all hot but personality wise, they're all idiots" Yasmine joined in the conversation, "Sam, Kyler has been eye banging you all day"

My drink was empty again so I went to get another one, I was in the kitchen when i heard Daniel outside, making my escape through the front door, i slung my bag over my shoulder and ran down the street, put my swimsuit cover back on and carried on running to the nearest place I could think of, Cobra Kai. I just had to hope the door was open so I could get changed in there and walk home.

My popularity was fun while it lasted.

This was a long chapter omg, remember to vote.
I wanna interact with my reader more so i'm gonna start doing questions.

Question of the chapter #1
What's your favourite drink?
Mine: Dr Pepper

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