not a chapter

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basically a rant, tw: tourette's syndrome let me start off by saying. i'm very very sorry for not updating in a while, i have so many ideas and can't get them into the story just yet, like i have everything planned out for when eli transforms into hawk and everything after that but i have no ideas for until then. also, school starts on march 8 for the UK and i'm not excited at all. i'm not doing very good mentally at the moment and i have undiagnosed tourette's and basically, going back to school could make them calm down or get worse and the chances are they will get worse. they're hard to live with as it is and they've gotten bad lately. wattpad is my coping mechanism to deal with my mental state (please tell me i'm not the only one) it's like my escape. this turned into me telling you my life problems but sorry if the chapters are slow and not as fast as they used to be, i'm trying my hardest with everything going on at the moment. i have like 3 chapters on the go at the same time. tell me i'm the comments if you want a teaser :)

please vote for my story in the future it would mean the world to me

as always...
~ Liv

holy shit, thankyou so much for 240+ reads youre all stars. i love every single one of you that reads this. hope you had/having a good day x

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