11- dance with me pt2

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Ruining the moment, everyone's phone pinged and i pulled mine out of my pocket, separating myself from Eli,

4 new notifications
1 new message from Sam
you and Eli?
1 missed call from Father
1 snapchat from Yasmine
1 snapchat from Kyler

I opened the snapchat from Yasmine and it was an edited picture of Aisha, i wanted to punch Yasmine so badly, i think Eli could sense this as he took my hand and squeezed it slightly, "dont"

i ran out, i saw sensei in the corridor, shit. Daniel is here. "What are you doing here?" i asked him then i looked to the right and miguel was there. Laying on the floor, all bloodied up, "Miguel!" i screamed and rushed to him, i was crying.

"come on Miguel, wake up" i didn't know what to do.

Sensei appeared in the door way, "come with me"

he walked over to miguel picked him up and i followed him to his car, "do u think he's gonna be okay" i asked him

"cobra kai never dies"

i'm gonna lose so many readers from this massive hiatus. this chapter is so short i hate it but i've had a huge writers block but i have something planned for the next chapter to get me out of my writers block. remember to vote and give me things u would like to see in the story. the next chapter will have eli to hawk transformation in so put in the comments how you think that's gonna happen or how you'd like to see that happen.

REMEMBER TO VOTE, love you all.

question: favourite season and why?
mine is summer because it's really hot and it doesn't get dark early so i can stay out for longer. but i burn really easily since i'm ginger lol ❤️

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