12- being sent away

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I got home that night in tears. I told my mum why, she explained to my dad. This is how it went down.

"Sweetheart you understand i'm gonna have to tell your dad about this"

"Mum please don't tell him, he will stop me from going out and we will move again and- just please don't tell him"

"tell me what?" my dad walked in with the biggest grin on his face

"Olivia got into some Cobra Kai trouble"

"That wasn't what is was- let me explain it" i choked

"What did they do to you Olivia?" my dad lost his grin and his tone was angry.

"They didn't do anything to me, it wasn't Cobra Kai that hurt him. It was these bullies and they beat up my friend-"

My mum cut me off, "who's a Cobra Kai"

"You are friends with a Cobra?" my dad shouted and towered over me

"They aren't bad anymore dad i promise" i sobbed.

He grabbed my jaw and made me look him in the eyes, "you're going to england" he whispered

"No you can't make me do that! I'll stay with Uncle Daniel" i cried

"What you think he wants someone who hangs round with Snake scumbags?" he screamed into my face, "pack your things, i'm booking your flight"

"I hate you! I hate you both! I'd expect you to atleast comfort me!" I ran into my room and locked the door behind me.

Amanda. I needed to ring Amanda.

Where was my phone? i scrambled around my room trying to find it. I must've left it downstairs.

Get changed.

I changed into joggers and a cropped t shirt.

I heard my dad on the phone when i walked to get my phone, "No she's coming whether you like it or not! She's trouble wherever she goes Miriam!"

I quickly grabbed my phone from the sofa and took it to my room.


What happened at the dance?

Miguel got hurt

Oh no, you okay?

My dad found out, think i'm moving away again

For how long?

I don't know
Could be permanent

They really hate Cobra kai that

My dad will never understand that
they changed

I'll tell Miguel and Demetri you're moving
I'm gonna miss you

I'm gonna miss you too

I've never felt so broken. But i had to pack. I was going whether i liked it or not.

My mum walked in my room, "you're going to your grandma's in spain instead" she awkwardly smiled.

"Leave me alone"


"I am!"

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