5- the call

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I declined, i didn't want them seeing me like this. Eli messaged me.

Please answer
I'm tired
It's 7pm
I look messy
It's me, Demetri and Miguel, i think you
will be okay
I am about to get in the shower
Oh okay, call us after

I then got a message from Demetri

How'd family dinner go?
Not very well lol
What happened?
My dad being an idiot like always,
nothing new
Sucks to be you, enjoy your 'shower'

I laughed at what he said, no sympathy whatsoever, I was surprised i didn't get a message from Miguel. I looked in the mirror, my eyes had gone puffy, oh well.

On second thoughts, i'll get a shower
later, add me


He then added me to their video call, "hey" i falsely smiled my voice was hoarse from screaming.

"You okay Liv?" Miguel asked

I smiled again, "couldn't be better"

My dad walked in, "Me and your mum are going out to the shop, anything you want?" he asked me

"no" i replied

"lose the attitude" he shouted

I felt defeated, "What attitude?"

"First you bring up all that nonsense at dinner and now you're giving me an attitude?! I thought i raised you better" He sighed.

"You didn't raise me! You weren't even there, you were always at work!" i screamed.

He shouted again, "Be grateful! Some kids don't even know who their dads are"

"Well go be one of their dads if you care that much, oh wait! I don't think they'd want you either!"

He slammed the door, I forgot i was still on facetime, "sorry about that"

"It's okay" Eli weakly smiled.

Demetri chimed in, "He sounds like more than an idiot"

"That's not even the worst of it"

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